"Want me to say something?" I smirked as I leaned back against the wall next to the restroom, "I don't work here."

"Say what you want." He opened his eyes and smiled my way, "But they have a way with harsh words and that doesn't settle well with Y/N. Especially if she cares about you."

I didn't like conflict but I hated seeing these assholes get their way without anyone saying anything. They just got to live their lives carefree thinking they're the best thing in the world. I heard another honk and another series of laughter.

"You got this?" I nodded towards the coffee pot and he nodded.

"Yeah, don't worry, I like to pour in my sugar anyway." He smiled and it resembled Y/NN's, "Thank you though, sweetie."

I gave him an appreciative smile and walked out of the office into the garage. Feeling the breeze sweep through the garage while the guys stood around some other truck. I walked my way to Y/N ignoring their stares and Y/N stepped back from the car. Her eyes connected to mine and her lips slightly quirked up.

I liked how one glance of me I could make her happier than she was five seconds ago. I grabbed her hand softly when she finished putting down the hood and pulled her close.

"What do you have to do now?" I asked as I wrapped my arms around her neck.

"Oxygen sensor needs replacement in a truck out back." She sighed deeply and wrapped her arms around my waist.

"Wanna help me?" She smirked cutely and nudged her nose against mine, "Since these assholes aren't doing anything for me."

"I might fuck up but I'll try." I giggled softly and glanced towards them to see them still watching me.

"Let's go now, I don't wanna waste any time." I cleared my throat feeling a bit uncomfortable with a group of men eyeing me.

"Time for?" She then eyed me and I could see the immature part of her brain come out.

Good to know she was antsy like me.

"I mean we could try a couple things out." I went along with it and she giggled deeply before picking me up with a small grunt.

"Let's go." She smiled up at me while I let her lead us outside while I laughed.

"Drive out the car, guys, it's done." Y/N's voice echoed through the garage and the guys started mumbling around.

"Why aren't any of them here?" I asked looking at the amount of cars lined up.

"They probably went to check out the lake down the way. Don made a pathway down there so none of his customers would get bored." She dropped me off at the front of an older but newer truck.

"Is that where you plan on taking me?" I smirked and she shrugged as she looked around.

"We'll figure something out." She opened up the door to pull the vehicle into the garage.

"So..." I got into the truck with her so she could maneuver it into the garage.

"Yesss?" She batted her eyelashes with a small chuckle and I bit my lip.

"The story." I hinted and she looked away with a deep sigh.

"Yeah.. well-" She stopped with a small laugh and she just shook her head lightly.

"Look, I don't know Shawn all that well so don't think I've known him forever and kept it from you. It's not like that, that's definitely unrealistic." She then honked the horn for a long period of time when we saw that the red car wasn't moved.

Coffee Shop (Camila/You)Where stories live. Discover now