Chapter Thirty-Four

Start from the beginning

Michael looked up at me, "You're pregnant?" He quietly asked.

I bit my lip, nodding. "H-He was drunk! A-And I-"

"Oh, Mia." Michael cried, pulling me into his arms as he started sobbing.

"I-I could've saved him, Michael!" I sobbed.

"There was nothing you could do. Kevin is a strong man." Michael cried.

I shook my head, "I hate this.. I-I'm so stupid!" I loudly said.

"I should've listened to you, Michael. None of this would've happened!" I cried.

"Shh.." Michael tried calming me.

"People make mistakes. I forgive you, Mia. You thought you were making the right decision. All for... Love." Michael softly said.

I shook my head. It should've been you I loved. 

"I-I just can't believe my baby is gone.." I whimpered.

"I..." I held onto Michael as I started crying uncontrollably.

"Shh..Shh.. I'm here, Mia.." Michael cooed, rubbing my back as he softly cried.

"I-I'm sorry for yelling at you. You were right. I-I mean I didn't use you, bu-"

"Mia, enough." Michael sternly said, sniffling.

"I'm sorry too." He quietly said.

"I'm a terrible mother, Michael.." I whimpered.

"No you aren't. Mia, you're an amazing mother. You protected Mike the best you could." Michael softly said, rocking me in his arms.

I shook my head, "I could've done more." I whispered.

"I hate seeing you like this, Mia." Michael softly said.

"I hate seeing you so hurt.." Michael whimpered.

I didn't say anything. How could I say anything? 

Michael let go of me, "I have an idea." Michael let a small smile show.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "What's that?" I asked.

"Move in with me. Into Neverland." Michael smiled.

"M-Michael, I can't just leave here.." I sadly said.

"Why not? You're going to be haunted by all the bad memories here. Start new, live with me! Just like in the 70s!" Michael smiled.

I sighed, "You do have a point there.." I mumbled.

Michael smirked, "Then it's settled. Pack your things and let's get going. Um...That is once you're ready." Michael softly said.

I forced a smile, "Thank you, Michael. Honestly, thank you." I said.

Michael smirked, "Anything for you, Mia-May."

I blushed.

"So, what happened to Kevin?" Michael softly asked, holding onto my hands.

I sighed, "He's going to jail." I said.

"Good. He deserves to be in jail for many reasons." Michael said.

I frowned, "Yeah, murder and cocaine. Thank god I wasn't busted for that." I let out a soft chuckle.

"Well, you haven't done cocaine in years... Right?" Michael said.

I quickly nodded, "Of course! Once I was pregnant with Mike I was done with it all." I said, forcing a smile.

Michael smirked, "That's good." 

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