"Mum! Daddy!" She ran over and hugged them both. She hadn't realized how much she'd missed them until that moment.

"Hey, sweetie!" Victoria hugged her daughter back tightly. "That fiancé of yours is so considerate. He had us flown over here so we could spend these few days with you before the wedding and you know before you're off on your honeymoon." She said.

"Oh, I missed you guys so much." Kitty said.

"We missed you too, honey." Charles said.

Kitty saw Maxwell coming in behind her parents, and she mouthed 'Thank you' to him. He winked back.

Kitty spent the rest of the day with her parents in their rooms until it was time for bed. She said goodnight to them and headed back to her and Maxwell's room, but was stopped by Eliza before she reached it.

"Nu-uh, no seeing the groom before the wedding." Eliza admonished her.

"Doesn't that only apply to the day of the wedding? We still have three days left." Kitty whined.

"Nope, see I have this theory," Eliza began to explain and Bella rolled her eyes. "I believe that the more time you spend apart from your husband-to-be, the more you miss each other, therefore you'll be guaranteed to have an amazing wedding night." She explained.

"But, at least let me say bye." Kitty said.

"He's already gone." Eliza said.

"Gone where?" Kitty asked.

"He's out with Harry and some of their friends and won't be back till late, come on!" Eliza whined.

"Okay, okay. Where are we going anyway?" She let Eliza drag her along.

"Maxwell arranged for us to spend the next few days in a nearby five star hotel, full spa treatment and everything!" Eliza was practically vibrating with excitement.

Kitty, Eliza, Tulisa, Meghan, Amelia and Kelis, as well as Victoria, took the Rolls Royce to the hotel. Most of the staff was waiting for them in the lobby, Kitty was starting to get used to that. They were led to the suite where they would be staying.

It was beautiful of course, they couldn't have been offered anything less.

Kitty took the opportunity while the ladies were changing for bed to text Maxwell.

[sent] Wife🌹
I miss you

He replied almost immediately.

[received] Husband☀
I miss you too, baby. Eliza said it would be better if we spend theses days apart

[sent] Wife🌹

I'm going to kill her

[received] Husband☀

I can see the headlines now, 'Future Queen goes on rampage days before Royal wedding.'

[sent] Wife🌹

Yeah, that wouldn't look good, would it?

[received] Husband☀

Afraid not

"Hey, Kitty! Don't make me steal your phone." Eliza caught Kitty after she finished changing.


"Okay, okay. Hold your horses." Kitty muttered.

[sent] Wife🌹

Gotta go. I'm caught. Love you.

[received] Husband☀

Lol Love you too, babe. I'll meet you at the altar

[sent] Wife🌹

I'll be the one in white and tiara on my head.

"Okay, done." Kitty put the phone away before Eliza did anything drastic.

They spent the rest of the night talking and laughing. Even the Queen was so relaxed and jubilant. Kitty was so happy that Kelis and Victoria seemed to be getting along too.

The next day they spent the morning at the Spa, which was beyond relaxing. Then Kitty, Eliza, Tulisa, Amelia and Meghan had to have a final fitting for their dresses just to be sure that everything was perfect.

The day after that was spend similarly, with all the ladies relaxing and enjoying their time.

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