When you get injured

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I know! I said I wasn't gonna continue! DON'T JUDGE ME YOU BEAUTIFUL COOKIES.


You limped home after a mission covered in dry blood stains. "Oi! Y/n!" Looking up you saw Naruto running over to you. "Are you okay?! How was your mission?!" You straitened your posture a bit and grabbed Naruto by his shirt. "What kind of a dumbass question is that? I am obviously hurt I twisted my damn ankle you moron!" Naruto picked you up bridal style. "S-sorry. My bad."


"Sit down y/n." "No. I'm fine." You pushed Sasuke away as you stood from the bed walking towards the kitchen. "Your leg is literally broken." Sasuke muttered picking you up bridal style carrying you back to bed laying you down. "So. I can still move." Sasuke glared at you a little handing over a bowl of ice cream to shut you up. "Ohhh thank you so much Uchiha!~" "Shut up."


He was annoyed that you were so stuborn. You didn't want to listen to Neji when he told you, "relax y/n. Your arm is broken. So don't train." But instead you did the exact opposite and went to go train with Hinata. Completely ignoring the Hyūga. "Y/n go back inside!!" Neji's voice bellowed as he walked towards you and Hinata. "But my arm is FINE!" You looked at the bandages and saw fresh blood seeping through. "Oh."


You were limping back to Suna with a clutch and a bandage on your arm in pain. When you got to Gaara's office to report on the mission he just stared at your arm and leg. "Who did that to you?" He asked standing. "Hidan from the Akatsuki. He interrupted the mission so I didn't get to deliver the message to Lady Mei on time and had to turn back." Slowly sand exited Gaara's gord and he left his office having a woman tend to your wounds. "I'm going to visit Hidan."


Sai watched you dully as you shakingly stood from the bed, your nose bleeding. "What happened?" You asked groaning. "You rolled off the bed." He said going back to reading. "Why didn't you stop me from falling?" Sai didn't look up as he continued reading, "because it's more fun to see you in pain."

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