what he did when he became sick for the first time

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You're married in this one 😆😆!!!!



Naruto was laying in bed all day and you didn't like it one bit. Being his wife, you called in the Hokage office and Shikamaru answered. "Nara Shikamaru speaking. I'm sorry but unfortunately Lord 7th isn't here right now." Said Shikamaru with a sigh over the phone. "Hi Shikamaru it's y/n. Yeah I know Naruto isn't there and I've called to say he's called sick." Shikamaru was shock. "Sick! Naruto is sick!" He said. "Why is it surprising?" You asked. "Yes. Naruto never gets sick. So...okay." Shikamaru cuts off the phone and you looked at Naruto as he gave a small wave and a silly sick grin. "I'm getting you soup." You made ramen for Naruto and Naruto happily ate down your ramen thanking God he wasn't at work. Also, s/n and Lily got to spend time with Naruto.


You watched in confusion as Sasuke barely touched his food. Sintea by the way scarfed down her food! "Sasuke, what's wrong?" You asked worried about your husband. "Nothing." Said Sasuke coldly. You flinched and glared at Sasuke. "Sorry to ask Uchiha." You said getting up and washing the dishes, putting up the leftovers. "Daddy what's wrong with mommy?" Asked Sintea. "Tch. I don't know. Good to bed Sintea." Sintea nods and left for bed. Sasuke walked in your room. "Sorry honey. I am just... sick." Said Sasuke. You felt Sasuke's neck and it was true. He was burning up. "Jeez Louise. You are sick!" You began to give Sasuke some tomatoes and a bottle of energy drink. You kissed Sasuke's forehead and said, "I know you'll get well very fast, Sasuke." Sasuke smiled a small smile and he fell asleep after his, 'get well soon' dinner.


You watched as Neji trained s/n (second son), d/n and Hinawäri. They were all doing the Hyūga Taijustue. Neji let's out a cough and said, "excuse me." He grabbed his handkerchief. Neji coughed some more then he sneezed. "Neji are you feeling okay?" You asked. S/n walked over to Neji. "Dad?" He asked. D/n walked over also. "I feel a little....weak. I don't like this feeling." Said Neji. You chuckled and kissed Neji's cheek but it burnt your lips. "Neji you're sick." In the end, Neji was taken to your room. You made Neji soup while d/n made Neji mint tea. Mint tea clears the chest and nose from snot. Hinawäri and s/n sat near Neji making sure he ate and watched as he fell asleep making sure he was asleep.


You entered Gaara's office after not hearing him answer. You saw Gaara sleeping on his desk. He hardly ever sleeps. You walked towards Gaara and held a hand to his neck. He was burning up. You sighed in annoyance and woke up Gaara. You called Kankuro and he helped you carry Gaara home. When you got home, you saw Emerald and s/n already with some soup and a thermometer. "Did you guys know about Gaara being sick!?" You asked your children. S/n grinned nervously. Gaara lay asleep in bed. "Dad told us not to tell you he had a feeling he was sick so you won't go haywire and be all over him." Said s/n. "Hn." Emerald, s/n and yourself took care of Gaara when he woke up and Gaara had to face your very angry side when s/n and Emerald went to bed.

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