Chapter 1: Il Mio Re His Princess

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It was exactly one year to the day that Noah Valentini had died, and I was sitting with my little sister in my arms humming a lullaby to her as my parents slept. 

I hadn’t been able to sleep at all, every time I closed my eyes all I could see was his limp and pale body. I was bundled up in Noah’s clothes, a sad smile on my face as I rocked Rayne carefully. 

“What are you doing in here?” A soft voice asked, I turned to see mom, a blanket around her shoulders as she entered the room. She took the seat next to me and squeezed my arm softly,  “You should be asleep.”

I turned my head and smiled at her, “I couldn’t sleep.” I replied and she nodded. She glanced at me, scanning me. I was in one of Noah’s dress shirts that I’d worn and washed to the point where it no longer smelt anything like him, a pair of my pink pyjama bottoms and a soft fluffy blanket thrown around my shoulders. 

My eyes most certainly are red and puffy and my nose red as a cherry. 

“Here, I’ll take Rayne. You go downstairs, I’ll meet you down there once I put her down and we’ll have a chat.”

I nodded and handed her Rayne before sitting up and making my way towards the kitchen. I took my place, sitting cross legged on the counter, I couldn’t quite work out what stopped mom from reprimanding me when I did this now. Probably pity, maybe just a gratefulness that I was home and safe. 

Mom made her way into the kitchen and smiled at me before making herself a cup of tea and making me a coffee. 

When mom handed me my coffee she took her seat on the chair facing me with a sad smile on her lips. 

“How are you holding up?” She asked.

I took in a long breath, “I miss him mom. But at the same time-” I trailed off, pausing as if in thought but in reality my mind had gone entirely blank.

Mom reached out and placed her hand on my arm, “I know.” She replied. “Me and your father have to pick up your uncle from the airport, he’s coming to visit for a couple of weeks with Eva. How about you take a day to yourself? I’ll keep everyone occupied with the help of your uncle of course but you’ll just get to stick to your own devices.”

I nodded, bringing my coffee up to my lips. “Do you think that It’ll get easier?” I asked mom. She drew in a breath and then said her voice as light as a feather, 

“If I were in your position, I’d never get over it. Losing someone you truly loved is always going to hurt and is always going to be hard but you’ve got to learn to live.That’s what Noah would want you to do.”

Mom grabbed my mug of coffee from my hands, placing it on the table before taking my hands in hers, “Look, you’ve moped for a year, you’ve grieved for a year. Do you not want to get back out there? You, my baby, are so young, you have the rest of your life ahead of you. You need to enjoy your youth before it fades away.”

I nodded and squeezed mom’s hands, “Can I go to the warehouse?”

Mom nodded reluctantly, removing her hands from mine she grabbed her mug and stood. “I’m heading back to bed, if you need me you know where I am.”

I nodded and followed her upstairs, she gave a small hug before heading off to her room, I made my way to mine and tried to catch some precious hours of sleep. 


“Rosie.” Daniel squealed as he entered the kitchen, I turned to face him and smiled. He rushed towards me, pulling me into him. “I’m so sorry that I wasn’t here after Noah died. Are you okay?”

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