Chapter 14

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Tied Up In Knots Over Ties! 07/06/20

To:Fleurie Bailey 14:52 PM

My most wonderful assistant I require your aid, I'm out with Rose at the moment and she is stuck between two ties for me. Red or checkered grey?

With love,


I sent the email to Fleurie and eagly awaited a reply. I'd taken a little break to take Rose out for a bit and then I was going to take her into the office to see Fleur.

"Rose. We can buy both."

Rose shook her head, "You said that you needed A tie, not some ties. That means one."

Re: Tied Up In Knots Over Ties! 07/06/20

To: Alexander Marshall 14:56 PM

Alex, seriously. You're emailing me about ties. I'm doing some damn serious work called filing your business' taxes and you're asking about ties.

Red, go with red. It makes you look devilishly handsome and I have a red dress that I can wear and match you. Tell my baby that I say hi.

Love you,

Fleurie x

That sealed it for me, I was getting the red one, "The red one princess." Rose grabbed it and handed it to me,

"Are we going shopping for mommy?" She asked and I nodded,

"You princess are going to pick out your mommy's engagement ring." Rose squealed and I couldn't feel anything but immense pride and happiness.

I bought the tie and then guided Rose towards the jewlers, I had to get the ring before any real form of lockdown was reimposed on us. I had my mask on and was astounded at the stupidity of people who didn't wear them.

It helped me protect my privacy, and I loved them, Rose not so much but once she was wearing one she didn't kick up too much of a fuss.

"Hello sir, could you direct me to your engagement rings section, preferable towards the emerald ones?" I asked and the man nodded, walked over to a small corner of the store. Rose followed me, her hand tightly in my own.

Rose immediately spotted a ring, it had a platinum band, a huge rough cut emerald in the centre, small sapphires and opals with a couple of diamonds flagged it. It was perfect.

I pointed at the ring and the worker smiled, bringing it out for us to have a look. Rose nodded at me, a smile on her lips.

"I'll get this in a size five please." The man nodded and Rose followed me to the till where I had my card out ready to pay.

"That will be five hundred and seventy thousand, eight hundred and sixty two dollars please." I handed my card over and he placed it in the machine. I typed in my pin and waited for the purchase to go through before he handed me the bag that contained the ring, one of the most expensive purchases for a single item but Fleurie was worth it, she was more than worth it.

I held the bag close to me as we made our way to the garage and I took my mask off and took Rose's off.

"Keep a hold of that bag princess, we'll need the ring safe for tonight." Rose nodded and I drove towards the office.

Ma Reine Her King✔     (Complete) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ