Chapter 2

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Monday soon arrived and I was stressed to say the least, I really wanted to keep this job and I really wanted to prove to both myself and my parents that I was fully capable of supporting both them and myself and who knows, maybe I'd end up really enjoying the job and decide to keep it.

"Fleur, I'm off. Good luck on your first day sweetheart." Mom called as she headed out the door.

I glanced at my very minimalistic wardrobe, scanning for work appropriate wear that fit the dress code. I had to be careful with what I chose, since I hadn't thrown much out ever, an old t-shirt can always be a pyjama top as my mom always said. I ran my hands over a pair of black flares that I loved but unfortunately went against the dress code, so I decided on a crimson pencil skirt that reached just above my knees. I paired that with the same white blouse that I'd worn on Thursday when I went for the interview.

"Damn it." I grumbled as I pulled a pair of tights on only to notice that they had a hole in the toe that would need stitching later. I slid my skirt on, moving it carefully over my hips before the elastic of the waist was secured tightly on my waist. Then there was the matter of the blouse which I was so careful with buttoning, because I could not afford to have a button break off today because I did not have the time to sew it back on. Thankfully, it all went on without a hitch. I paired this with a pair of white kitten heels which were currently residing in my bag because I wasn't going to walk for an hour and twenty minutes in heels. I tied my hair back in a ponytail and if all went to plan I would get into work twenty minutes early which would give me time to sort out my hair and still be at my desk early.

I took my keys in my hand and walked out of the small bungalow, locking up and then starting my very long walk with my Spotify playlist blaring in my ear buds.

When I finally arrived at work, my stomach grumbled, but I hadn't packed lunch today. We didn't have enough spare food for me to pack for lunch, we had enough for dinners for the rest of the week so I would simply have to work through today on an empty stomach, nothing new. I headed into the building and approached the elevator where I spotted a very calm looking Mr Marshall waiting for a car to show up. I stood back, hoping that he didn't spot me, I looked a mess, my hair had gone frizzy from the humidity and my trainers were mud stained.

Mr Marshall turned and I tried to hide, but it was too late, he caught sight of me and scowled. "Didn't you get the note about formal wear in the office? Your appearance and behaviour reflects my own Miss Bailey."

I swallowed, "Sorry sir, I walked here so I had trainers on, I came in early, planning on changing them and dealing with my hair before my shift started." He looked me up and down before checking his watch.

"That's a tolerable excuse." The car arrived and he stepped in, I was frozen to the spot, all this scrutiny on my first day. This was not going well. "Are you getting in Miss Bailey or just planning on obstructing the elevator for the next twenty minutes?"

I sprung into motion, moving towards the elevator, he pressed the for floor twenty four. The door closed and I let a breath fall from my lips as I prepared myself for the long journey in a confined space, in a moving death box that also happened to be with my new boss. Very fun.

"You live quite a while away Miss Bailey, are you sure walking to work everyday is the best solution?"

I was mildly taken aback, forgetting that he was my boss and had all of my paperwork and therefore had all of my personal information. "It's the only way for me to get here sir, driving is expensive and the public transport isn't the best and it's extortionately priced so I walk. It's only six miles, it keeps me fit." He nodded, glancing at the buttons that slowly lit up and darkened as we passed each floor. I watched it, 23. His phone buzzed with a call and he answered it. Finally, after what felt like ten hours 24 lit up and I walked as quickly as I could out of the elevator and towards the nearest bathroom.

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