Chapter 18

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"Daniel you have to stop fussing over Oliver, seriously. He's going to develop a complex." Daniel merely tutted and played with the already almost three month old baby.

I felt a hand on my back and turned to see Alex, he looked exhausted. He'd been back and forth to Russia four times this month, and then had to attend work conferences and meetings like nothing was up. He'd booked the day off today to catch up on the lost sleep but was struggling to get the sleep that he needed with two children and Daniel in the house.

"Right that seals it." I started, glancing at Alex who looked like he was struggling to hold his weight up. "Daniel get Rose ready. We're going out, I'll take Ollie and Alex can finally sleep."

Alex looked at me, a small smile resting on his lips. I wandered over to him and led him towards the bedroom.

He almost collapsed onto the bed, I carefully pulled the cover over him and pressed a soft kiss to his forehead.

"Sleep tight Al."

His eyes fluttered shut and I knew then that I could creep out of the room and shut the door.

As I was walking back to the nursery, Daniel poked his head out of Rose's room and said quietly. "She's nearly ready. We'll meet you in the foyer."


"Mommy, can I push the buggy?" Rose asked as we entered central park. It was busy for a Sunday, normally with Church services running all day in the many churches of the many boroughs and just things happening on a Sunday in general, it was quiet.

I couldn't recall a reason why it would be so busy until I saw someone emerge from the crowds wearing a frock that looked similar to what would have been worn in the 1500's in England.

Rose tugged on my long skirt and I glanced down at her, most of my attention on the growing crowd and the people glancing in our direction,

"Mommy, why are these people dressed in funny clothes?" I glanced at Daniel who was as alert as I was, if not moreso.

"It's a festival, they celebrate the olden days by dressing up." I glanced at Daniel and then back down at Rose, he knew that code. It meant to pick Rose up and to hightail it out of wherever we were.

I turned on my heel, the pram making it easy to push past people and get out of there quickly.

"Where to momma bear?" Daniel asked as we headed towards the car. It was parked some way away from central park because we wanted the walk and it was just more practical than trying to find parking. Quiet for central park was busy for most places, it was just one of those many quirks about New York that you learn the longer you live in the city.

"How about we just have a drive for a bit, maybe stop for ice cream and then we can pay my mother a visit." I spoke and Daniel nodded.

When we were a couple of metres away from the car, Daniel popped Rose down and she ran towards me and the pram. I grabbed her hand tightly before Daniel grabbed his keys. A couple of feet ahead of us to move the seat of the SUV forward so that we could fit the pram in the back.

He pressed the button and went to open the door, as soon as his hand connected with the handle, there was a high pitched noise that sounded eerily like a dog whistle and then the car exploded. It was a massively loud explosion that left my ear ringing and my mouth agape.

The force of it sent my reeling back, my back hitting the pavement, I pulled Rose close to me with one arm and tried to keep the pram up with the other. I had no time to worry about myself.

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