Chapter 15

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"I want my mom!" Rose cried, her head was resting on my shoulder and there was absolutely fuck all that I could do about it and that hurt, I was supposed to be her security guard, her eyes. I should have been on the lookout for threats but after such a long time of being together we became friends. I became complacent!

"I know Rosey-'' She cried louder, kicking my stomach as I lifted her up into my arms and towards one of the bedrooms in the safehouse. I was not leaving her side, I had already allowed for momma bear's life to be severely endangered because of my complacency, the same was not going to happen to her.

I placed her on the bed and she rolled and fussed, I couldn't blame the poor kid but she needed to sleep. My phone buzzed with a call, Rose looked over at me expectantly, I picked it up.

"She's fine." Alex breathed, his voice slightly muffled by the mask that he was presumably wearing in the hospital.

I swallowed back tears of relief. "That's great to hear, are you staying there or-" I left it open for him to respond, we were in a safehouse. Rose didn't know that, she thought that this was my house.

"I've got to leave. They won't let me stay because of Covid, so I'm heading over there now. Is Rose okay?" He asked and I sighed, looking at the bloodshot and bleary eyes of the young girl.

"She wants her mom. She'd probably feel better if she spoke to you."

Alex mumbled a 'yes' and I put the phone on speaker and let Alex speak to Rose, attempting to calm her until he got here.


The door screeched open, reminding me of the eerie sound of the chalk on the chalkboard as the teachers at my childhood sunday school tried to teach us about God and why he would be so disappointed and angry if we didn't follow a hetronormative agenda. Obviously not worded so fruitfully and more of a'if you are gay you will go to hell' kinda thing and a 'have children with your partner who was assigned the opposite sex at birth and have children to please our lord and savour' despite in theory that God being worshiped by most monotheistic religions.

"Daniel." Alex called and I left Rose's side and walked down the stairs to find Alex crumpled on the sofa, blood staining his clothes and his hair a mess. His eyes resemble that of his daughters and I am more than sure my own. It's rather hard to remain stoic when you love that which you are protecting. "I know who did it."

"Who?" I asked, impatient and enraged.

Alex kneaded his temples, the fatigue playing on his face. "The Italians."

"But you signed a contract with them."

A long exhale left Alex as he groaned, "No that was the Sicilians, once upon a time they were united but now they're not. The Sicilians have more influence but the Italians have more man power.The Italians can do whatever the fuck they want to us and we can do whatever the fuck we want to them."

I paused, trying to think this through but my brain was all over the place and being able to form any sort of organised train of thought was thrown out of the window several hours ago.

"Do you know who to attack?" Alex nodded.

His eyes met my own, he didn't want any of this, he was tense. His mouth had formed a hardened line before he spat out, "Diego Lombardi."

I sighed, running a hand through my too-long hair. "You need a break Alex, I'm sorry if I am speaking out of place but you look like shit. You need to see your daughter and get some sleep."

Alex groaned, the tension on his face growing. "I don't! I need revenge. They should know better than to hurt what is mine, Fleurie was mine to protect and I failed her."

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