Chapter 40

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Flames danced around my body, I felt like I couldn't breathe, inside the flames with me was Noah, he held me close to him. Not letting go of me. On the other side of the flames I could see my family, mom, dad, Ollie.

"Let me go." I told Noah. he shook his head and his grip tightened on me. I was struggling to breathe.

"Noah you bastard let me go!"

"No." He told me, his voice deadly calm. I tried to break free of his grasp only for him to let me go tumbling through the flames.

As soon as the amber strokes licked at my skin I cried out in pain, why the hell would Noah do such a thing?

"You're mine Rose, only mine." He said, his tone dark, like the one I had heard when he locked me up. I watched my flesh bubble up and burn. My parents held their hands out for me, I reached out for them but watched my hands evaporate into nothing.

"Mom, dad!" I called out, they looked so stricken before mom dove into the flames and grabbed me, pushing me out before disappearing into smouldering ash.

Dad followed her in, his cry of utter devastation stinging my ears as Noah's laugh rang out in my head and made me want to throttle him. Then, Noah reached through the flames, unaffected and pulled Ollie into them where he burst into a pile of ash like my parents. Noah continued through the flames and grabbed me, whispering in my ear,

"There's no-one here for you now." he paused for a moment and pressed a kiss to my forehead, "No-one but me."

I woke up with a jolt, scrambling to find Noah on the other side of the bed only to find him not there, as much as I wanted him there, I was grateful he wasn't.

That dream was a reality check, a big slap across the face, reaffirming my fear that my love for Noah was merely that of circumstance and not because of my heart. A way for me to psychologically deal with my life, Stockholm syndrome.

Hurriedly, I scuttled out of bed and towards the window. Trying to distract myself from the shitstorm of thoughts that were about to rain down. On the windowsill was an envelope, written on the front in gorgeous cursive Noah had written,


I opened it, finding a beautiful handwritten letter, and read it.


I figured since you've been so good to me and to make up for all the time that we've spent apart whilst I'm on sick leave that we could finally have that date that we've been talking about forever,

There is a new dress in the wardrobe for you, with shoes, earrings and a necklace. Meet me in the garden when you are ready.

I'll be waiting.


(Your Husband) Noah.

Ps: I love you.

I found the new dress almost immediately, it was a simple satin summer dress in baby blue, there was a pair of matching heels to go with them. Then there was the simple matter of the earring's, they were rubies, shaped like roses. I popped them in before glancing at the necklace, it was a simple gold chain with a gold heart on it, which stated 'Mio per sempre' - forever mine. I couldn't help but feel a giddy excitement, my dream forgotten about and left me rushing towards the garden.

There was an unusual amount of guards in the house, most congregating in the kitchen. One stopped me, the second in command.

"Mrs Valentini." He greeted with a nod of his head. "You mustn't go outside."

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