Chapter 20

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"Daniel, it's so good to see you." I told him, he was sitting upright in the hospital bed. A small smile resting on his lips.

"It's always good to see me. I mean have you seen this face."

I chuckled and then glanced at his bedside table, there half read was a copy of The Bane Chronicles.

"You're adopting your sassy immortal warlock persona again aren't you."

He smiled up at me, his eyes slightly glossy from the morphine that was being pumped into his system.

"I refuse to believe that I was not Magnus Bane in a previous life."

Another laugh escaped me before I asked, "And what does that make me?"

He hummed in thought and then replied, "Tessa Gray, and your Alexander has an odd, Gabriel Lightwood vibe."

Alex looked confused as I bit my lip to hold in the laughter.

"Seriously could you explain this to me Fleur?"

I shook my head and then replied,

"I have all of the books, and you could just read them. Or atleast watch the show. Just not the movie."

Alex looked even more confused.

"Anyway, how have you been momma bear? Missed me much?"

I nodded,

"The house is quiet without you playing music in the kitchen as you bake. And breakfast has been so bland."

Alex took personal offense to this statement.

"Has it now? I'm never making breakfast again then."

If it was appropriate to shout in glee then I would have, I loved him but he was an awful cook. The bacon was always burnt, the eggs always undercooked. He once tried to make oatmeal and it was like a brick. Needless to say, my cheerio intake had almost quadrupled since Alex started making breakfast.

"Someone looks very pleased about that." Alex frowned at me and Daniel laughed at the chaos that he had caused.

"Remind me why I chose you in the first place." Alex asked and Daniel laughed.

"Because you were won over by my dashing good looks and incredible ability to win people over."

I nodded, commenting, "Sounds about right."

Daniel cleared his throat before asking, "When can I get out of this place?" I didn't have an answer to that and neither did Alex.

He was severely injured, put in an induced coma and sustained severe head trauma.

"I don't know."

Daniel pouted, "Can you try to get me out before Eurovision. I've put a bet on Italy winning."

I laughed, "We'll try."

"Speaking of Eurovision." Alex spoke, I'd been dying to reveal this news to Daniel. "I managed to get all three of us and one other tickets to the grand finale."

Daniel's jaw dropped, "How?"

Alex's eyes sparkled, "I may have some connections in Russian government and I may have picked the Russian entry this year."

Daniel coughed and sputtered momentarily and then commented in response, "He's a Herondale, not a Lighworm."

I laughed and Alex looked puzzled as I then asked,

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