Chapter 24

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"That is more than enough!" Mom yelled sternly as she bundled me up into her arms. I sniffled into her shoulder as she rubbed my back softly.

"Mrs Marshall, I was just-" He tried to justify but mom was having none of it,

"Can you not see that she is distressed enough. There is no need for this. None at all." She replied, her voice was low and like the deadly bite of a snake.

Mom pulled me closer, resting a hand on the back of my head. Mom then whispered softly, "Go get your uncle for me sweetie, he'll take care of you whilst I take care of this piece of shit."

I nodded, moving away from mom and out of the room. I wiped my tears hastily as more fell, not even noticing dad walking straight towards me. I collided with him and he swept me up into his arms.

"What's wrong princess?" He asked and I could do nothing but sob. Dad quickly steered me down the corridor and towards his study. He sat me down on the sofa and sat next to me.

Just as he was about to speak his phone buzzed, he checked it quickly, cursing and standing,

"Your mom just texted me, she says that she's taken care of it. What does that mean?"

I swallowed, "Reid, he came by the house. He wanted for both of us to get back together, when I said no he-" my sob cut me off. Dad pulled me into his arms and pressed a soft kiss to the top of my head.

"He what baby? I need to know so I can choose how to kill him."

I wiped a tear, "-he tried to kiss me, he tried to touch me. When I pushed him off and yelled for mom he started calling me a bunch of horrid names."

Dad went inhumanly still, I was still sobbing and barely noticed his grip go slack.

"I am going to murder him." He said his voice devoid of every emotion but pure, blistering hatred.

Dad let go of me and raced through to my room, where I presume mom was yelling at Reid.

I stood, wrapping my arms around myself and making my way downstairs. Hopefully uncle Danny was still in the living room. As I made my way down the main staircase I spotted mom, dad and uncle Danny all surrounding Reid who was sporting a black eye.

Mom turned briefly and spotted me, Reid followed her gaze and when he spotted me he yelled,

"You're nothing. You are nothing more than a mediocre lay. You and your psycho family-" He was cut off by Daniel who punched him in the face, effectively knocking him out. He fell to the floor and Danny rushed over to me. The tears had started falling again, Mom and dad called over security to escort him off of the grounds and detain him until he's collected.

Danny pulled me into his arms, "My poor Rosie." I pulled away from him, Daniel placed a hand on my back and led me towards the kitchen. "C'mon, I'll make your favourite pancakes and hot chocolate."

"I'm not a kid." I told him, feeling the sadness and shock become replaced with anger.

Daniel stopped in his tracks and then said quietly, "I know you've had a hell of a day but don't you dare take that tone with me Rose."

I just got angrier, today had been hard and I was fully entitled to be angry.

"I don't want your sympathy pancakes, I don't want to be treated like a kid, I want to be treated like an adult!" I yelled. Just done.

I turned to walk away and Daniel grabbed my wrist and turned me around,

"If you want to be treated like an adult, act like one. Right now, you're acting like a spoiled brat." I spun on my heel and walked away, back towards my room. Daniel was on my case for no reason, I was old enough to work through my issues without my uncle hovering over me and feeding me copious amounts of homemade sugary snacks.

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