Chapter 28

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After a week in Sicily I can confirm that I hated it here. I hated absolutely everything here, the stupid house, the stupid sunny weather that mocked me. Everything.

I just needed to get away. So when Noah gave me my phone I pretended to break it. He believed it and just let me keep it, saying that he'd grab me a new one and have it ready by tomorrow.

When he was out working I called dad.

"Hi dad, would it be breaking the contract if I ran away?" I asked as soon as the call connected.

"Rose." He replied almost breathlessly. "I didn't expect your call. Why would you want to run away?" He asked.

"I hate it." I said quietly. "I don't like Noah, he's a douche who locked me up in a cell the moment I got here. I just want to come home." I told him. Tears springing to my eyes at the thought of coming home.

Dad sighed, "It is princess. I'm so sorry. By all means give it a try but if you come home we have to disclose to him that you are home." I shook my head.

"No. There has to be another way out. Tell me I can get out of this."

Dad's voice cracked, "I can't baby." my heart fell and the sadness slowly melted into anger.

"This is all mom's fault! If she hadn't killed him then I wouldn't be here!"

"Don't you speak of your mother like that." He said in a dark tone that dared me to challenge him. I had yet to be angry at mom about it. I couldn't believe that she had killed him. She was the reason that I was here and I hated her for that, but she was my mother who I loved more than anything. I hated feeling the hate and anger that I was feeling for her at the moment but I had no outlets left. It was that or completely give up hope. And no matter what I could not let it ever come to that.

"Rosie baby." I heard mom croak over the phone. My heart dropped to my arse. She had heard it. She had heard it all. "I'm so sorry sweet pea. I regret that choice every single day that you are not here. I would do anything to get you back. But not something stupid-"

I cut her off, sobs raking through me, "I didn't mean it mommy. I didn't. I don't hate you. I don't hate you at all."

Dad uttered something I couldn't quite make out to mom.

"I know you didn't honey." She said softly, her voice as sweet as honey. "You have the right to be upset with me over my bad decision. But there is no get out clause, and I don't want you to go risking your life in search of something that doesn't exist. I'd much rather have a daughter four thousand miles away than a daughter who is a few feet away from me in a coffin." Mom heaved a sigh. I wiped at my tears as I am sure she was hers. "I love you baby."

A small giggle erupted from my throat, "I love you too mommy."

The door creaked open so I hung up as quickly as I could and moved the phone to the pocket in my dress.

"Ms Marshall." The woman said, I turned to face her. Her pale skin looked like it was pulled tightly against her defined bone structure. Her brown hair tied up in a ballet bun, the roots starting to grey. Her eyes were soft and a warm amber colour. She wore the typical uniform of a maid, a white button up blouse and a black pencil skirt. A pair of black flats on her feet and her features devoid of all makeup but a red lipstick and mascara.

"Yes. Come in." I replied.

"I'm here to help you get ready. Mr Valentini wishes to take you out with him and his parents tonight."

I swallowed back a laugh and nodded. She approached me, box in hand and then guided me over to the desk by the window and turned the chair so that I was facing her. She reminded me a lot of my mother. Not only her features but the kind way that she spoke to me. I couldn't help but picture mom as she spoke to me. I felt guilty for all that I had said but she said that she understood, one could only hope that she did because I would never be that intentionally mean or hurtful to her. She's my mother for God's sake and let's not forget that she killed him because he tried to hurt me. She didn't do it for shits and giggles, she did it because he tried to rape me and mom would never let anyone who had done such a thing to me live.

Ma Reine Her King✔     (Complete) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora