Chapter 17

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"And do you Fleurie Bailey take Alexander Marshall to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The priest asked and I nodded, looking solely at Alex who had a tear or two running down his face.

"I do."

Alex smiled at me, his grip on my hand tightening as he slid the ring on my finger.

"You may now kiss the bride." The priest paused as Alex pulled me close to him, a small laugh bubbled up in my throat but went unheard as Alex pressed his lips to mine. I placed a hand on his shoulder and moved our entwined hands to his heart.

"I love you." I whispered as he rested his forehead to my own.

"I love you too ma reine."

The priest cleared his throat. "May I introduce to you, the newly wedded, Mr and Mrs Marshall." Alex and I turned to face the crowd. They cheered and clapped, I spotted mom and Daniel sat together, wiping tears from their eyes. Rose stood and rushed towards us, a smile on her lips as Alex quickly scooped her up into his arms. Alex pecked the top of her head, holding her close as we started to walk back along the aisle together. The front rows slowly filtered out behind us as we exited the church and headed towards the cars that were taking us back home. I didn't care for an after party, frankly all I wanted was to get home and have a cuddle with Alex. But Alex had insisted that we have a small party at home before we headed to Russia tomorrow to get me sworn in.

I glanced down at the gold band on my finger briefly before smiling at Alex.

"Dan, the box." I asked and Daniel smiled at me, handing me the blue box.

Alex looked mildly confused as I handed him the box. He opened it and I held my breath.

"Thank you for marrying me." I told him as his brain short circuited. He picked up the plastic test from inside the box and turned to face me. His jaw on his lap.

"You-" He paused, looking at Rose and then up at me, "-you're pregnant."

I nodded silently before Alex leaned across to me and pecked my lips once more.

"What does that mean mommy?" Rose asked and I smiled at her, Alex beat me to it.

"It means that your mom is having a baby." Daniel glanced at me, his eyes meeting mine in a knowing look. He'd been there when I'd found out. I sat on the floor of the bathroom whilst Alex was at an international conference. I would have gone but I didn't want to leave Rose so I stayed at home. I'd been in the bathroom for a tad too long and Daniel had heard me crying and threatened to kick the door down. I opened it and he found me sobbing on the floor over the test, sobbing for my lost child, sobbing for the future, absolutely terrified for the one that was in my womb.

"Is it a boy or a girl mommy?" Rose asked and I chuckled.

"It's a bit early to know now baby. In two or so months we might know."

Alex's hand reached over and gripped mine softly.

"I'm ready. We're ready. We'll do it properly this time. I promise you."


"I don't like leaving her." I told Alex as we walked onto the jet. His hand tightly gripped my own. We'd left before she'd woken, and should be back by tomorrow morning but still, twenty four hours away was far too long.

"I know ma reine. " He paused, his finger grazing the metal ring that felt heavy on my finger. I was still getting used to it and I'm sure that he was too.

We made our way to our seats, fastening our seatbelts on the large leather sofa. I placed my head on his shoulder and smiled up at him for a moment. I was worried about this, never in a million years did I think that I would be marrying into one of the richest families in the world and one of the most dangerous mafias in the world.

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