Bonus Chapter

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Alex pulled me into him, a small smile rested on his lips as he ran his hands over my swollen stomach. His lips quickly brushed a soft kiss behind my ear before he commented,

"I really love you."

That brought a true smile to my lips, he'd always been such a sweetheart when I'd been pregnant and ever since I'd been put on bed rest by my doctor he'd been sweeter than ever.

I tilted my head so that I was gazing up at him, "Do you wish that we'd had more kids?" I thought aloud, moving my head so that it was nuzzled in his neck.

"Honestly?" He quiered and I nodded. "Sometimes yeah, but then again I love what we have with our kids and how much time we were able to spend with them. I wouldn't want to change things but sometimes I like to imagine if we had a couple more to run around after."

My gaze darted to my stomach and the little girl that was residing in there, Rayne we'd decided to call her, her middle name was undecided as of yet as I'd left naming her to the kids. Ollie came up with Rayne and Rosie had been busy but she promised that she'd get back to me on it before Rayne was born.

"I would have loved that too Al, but I absolutely hate being pregnant." Alex chuckled softly before pressing a kiss to the top of my head,

"I would have never guessed." He remarked cheekily before I elbowed him in the ribs. "There are ways around the pregnancy thing." He replied before I turned to face him, curiously searching his expression.

"You'd be open to adoption?" I asked and Alex nodded replying,

"Not now ofcourse but if when Rayne gets a bit older and we want another kid or two, I'd be more than happy to adopt." I leaned towards him, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. Alex groaned softly as I moved my lips away from his  before standing.  "What are you doing? The doctor put you on bedrest and you are not on the bed or resting."

"I'm going to check on Ollie and then I'm going to get some tea and maybe sit in the garden for a bit." Alex almost immediately stood and followed me, keeping pace as I waddled down the hall to Ollies room.

Knocking on the door twice I stepped inside, Ollie glanced over at me a small smile on his lips. "Me and your father and going to sit in the garden, do you want to join us?"

Ollie shook his head, turning his head back to his television for a moment before asking, "Mom when is Rose going to be back?"

My heart sank slightly, "I don't know Ollie but I'm sure she'll be back to see us soon." He nodded, his expression somewhat crest fallen so I moved over to him, sitting on his bed and wrapping an arm around him. Ollie snuggled into me, my gaze was solely on him, my baby boy. "I know not seeing Rose is hard. I miss her everyday that she's away but we have to live with this. Now c'mon we'll have fun in the garden. You can stop staring at screen for a moment."

Ollie slowly sat up and stood, I followed after him a lot slower than my litte ten year old boy. Alex caught up with us as I was taking my time down the stairs, his arm wrapped around me as his lips found my neck.

"How's Ollie doing?" He asked. I quietened my voice and watched ollie round the corner, "He misses her and wants her back. It'll take time and unfortunately he'll just have to deal with it like we do."

Alex nodded. Gripping my hand softly as we walked through to the kitchen. Ollie was already in the garden, playing with the basketball that was lying on the grass. I took a seat on the hanging basket chair as Alex joined Ollie. I couldn't help but smile as I watched them play together. Ollie needed to be reminded from time to time that no matter what me and Alex were here for him. Even more so now that Rose is away.


Alex grumbled to himself quietly as I changed into my work attire. "It's one meeting Alex. It's at home and you'll be within earshot if anything happens okay." I commented softly. He placed his hand on my shoulder before pressing a kiss to my temple.

"Fleur your overdue. Quite literally thr doctor said that you could give birth any day now."

I shook my head, "The doctors are only saying that because they expected me to deliver early because of my age. I feel fine. I promise if I start feeling like I did when I went into labour with Rose or Ollie I'll stop the meeting and call you through okay."

Alex nodded begrudgingly before helping me down the stairs and towards the sitting room. My guests were already waiting which was great so I commenced the meeting whilst Alex was grabbing me a green tea.

About fifty minutes into the quarterly review I heard the doorbell ring and excused myself to get it. Standing at the door weeping was Rose. She dropped her bags and ran into my arms and I couldn't help but shed a tear as I held her.

I led her through to the sitting room and dismissed my guests as Rose sniffled and uttered in the smallest of voices, "He's dead."

My heart dropped as I pulled her impossibly closer to me. My poor, poor baby. "Alex!" I yelled, and like a puppy he came running. Scanning me over for any damage before his gaze met Rose.

What happened? He mouthed before I commented calmly. "Noahs dead." Alex wasn't a fan of the man but even his face dropped as he moved towards the sofa and wrapped an arm around Rosie.

"Everything will be okay baby." I softly spoke. Not believing a single word I spoke.


Not even ten minutes after we finally got Rose settled in bed did my water break. When I told Alex he only turned and looked at me before giving me that 'I told you so.' look I'd become so accustomed to over the years.

I had Alex check in on the kids, Ollie was fast out and Rose was sobbing into her pillow. He'd said quietly that we were headed to the hospital and apparently she took little notice. I didn't blame her, if anything happened to Alex I'd be absolutely inconsolable for years.

Once we finally made it to the hospital it seemed like this little one didn't want to waste any time, within an hour and a half of getting settled in the room she was born. Screaming at the top of her tiny lungs.

Rayne Ellie Marshall

The newest edition to our family coming as a moment of grief struck us. As soon as I got her in my arms, I just knew that my little baby would be special. That she would bring the change that the Marshall’s needed. And that she would be what would bring us as a family together again.

"Al-" I called, he looked across to me, a smile resting on his lips as he cradled Rayne carefully. "-Do you think that Rose will be okay?"

He let a long breath fall from his lips before replying, "Honestly I don't think so. Not for a long time. God if it was you, I don't know how I'd go on."

I shook my head, "It's different with us though, we've been together so long were co-dependant on one and other. They were together for seven months. And they spent most of it hating one and other."

Alex sighed, closing his eyes for a brief moment, "Love is love. Rose is going through something that we can't understand I think so long as we're here for her then everything will work out as well as it possibly could."

I nodded, closing my eyes, turning on my side so that I was facing Alex and Raynie.

Alex slowly moved Rayne back to the cot and pressed a featherlight kiss to my forehead before whispering, "Sleep tight my loves."


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