Chapter 3

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I zipped up my suitcase and made my way outside where a car was waiting courtesy of Mr Marshall. The airport was about thirty miles from my home so that was a fairly unwalkable distance. Me and Mr Marshall had grown somewhat closer over the past two weeks. I have half a heart to consider us friends but I know that it would be stretching it. We are people who work together who have a laugh with one another and find some degree of comfort in one another's company. The car ride to the airport was long and only built up my nerves. Mr Marshall had mentioned that we were taking the company private jet which simply reeked of the luxurious things that I despised.

Arriving at the private airfield was even scarier, they checked my ID and then had to weapon check me which was terrifying. When they judged that I was fine and led me to the massive jet my jaw fell to the ground. Mr Marshall stood in front of it, black sunglasses covering his eyes as he lazily leant against the railing of the stairs. He spotted me and smiled,

"Ready to go to Russia, home of giant bears and billionaires." I nodded and started to walk up the stairs, admiring the interior of the beautiful jet. I took a seat in one of the many expensive leather seats, putting my seatbelt on and sitting back. Mr Marshall took a seat next to me.

"I hope that you're not expecting any great conversation because planes make me very sleepy."

Mr Marshall laughed and patted my shoulder, "If I were expecting great conversation, I'd sit and talk to the pilot, he was the pilot of the plane that landed in the hudson. I just hope you don't snore."

I chuckled, "No, at least I don't think so."

He smiled at me briefly before pulling out his laptop and opening up some documentation, with Netflix open in his second browser.

"We have been cleared for takeoff, we will be starting our descent along the runway in three minutes. Buckle up. This flight will last for nine hours and twenty five minutes."

I yawned,reclining my chair slightly before closing my eyes and waiting to feel take off. Just as I was dozing off, I heard Mr Marshal whisper,

"Sleep tight Fleurie."


I was awoken in Moscow by Mr Marshall who had tapped my shoulder and said quietly, in a voice that sounded much like one of a man who had just woken up,

"We're here, time to get up Miss Bailey."

I peeled my eyes open, moving my neck which cracked loudly. I undid my seatbelt and stood. Mr Marshall walked off the plane, ahead of me, his movements fatigued and sluggish. It was pitch black outside, which was all well and good, given it was midnight. Twelve thirty eight to be precisie.

We were led to a car which drove for God knows how long, both me and Mr Marshall crashed as soon as the car started moving, he fell asleep before me. It was weird watching him sleep, but nice. He looked relaxed, calm. I could even go as far to say at peace, his head was cocked slightly to the side. I'd fallen asleep soon after, the sound of the motor humming as we drove down quaint winding roads enough to lull me back to sleep.

"So, this is the house. It was my parents and now it's mine." I looked around the large cottage, it was beautiful. It was completely rustic, exposed wooden beams in the ceiling, playful splashes of yellow thrown around to offset the predominantly cedar colour of the house. Mr Marshall took my coat and placed it in the cloak room, before finishing. "I don't know about you, but I am exhausted and fancy some sleep."

I nodded, "That sounds like my idea of heaven at the moment." He hummed in agreement, his guttural hum sounded more like a growl which sent my mind running in a couple directions and sleeping was far from one of them. No, my thoughts snapped. You cannot compromise your work, this money is so important and we need it. The rational side of my head argued.

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