Chapter 35

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Rose's room was spotless, a cleaner had clearly been in, replaced the sheets and covers. Probably even changed out the pillows knowing her family.

When I finally collapsed on her bed, my mind flashed back to the evening that we'd arrive for her grandma's funeral. Her cries of pleasure, her soft touch. The sleeptalking.

"I love Noah." She'd said in her sleep, followed by "No, I do not like-" before she started rambling about sheep of all things.

I'm more than certain that she wasn't aware that I had heard her, or that she had spoken the words.

So when I got the call from her father. My heart dropped and shattered on a floor the way a crystal chandelier would do on marble. It splintered and erupted with emotions that I struggled to process all at once, the intensity of them shook me and left me breathless.

In that moment, not only did I realise that I loved Rose, that I could never not love her. But I realised how much I needed her in my life. Every second that I'd been away from her was hell. My bed didn't feel like my bed, it was our bed. Eating breakfast on my own was lonely and I felt alone more than anything else.

I couldn't wait to come back, pull her into a tight hug and whisper sweet nothings into her ear, telling her that I would never leave her again and that I loved her.

But I couldn't do that because she was in a hospital bed waiting on a kidney transplant from one of her family members. And even then, a full recovery was not guaranteed.

I curled up in her bed, my shoes shucked off and my socks curled in a ball on the sofa. I pulled a pillow from the left of the headboard and pulled it close to me. It smelled of her. My Rose, my tesoro.

I pulled it closer, closing my eyes and doing my best to imagine that it was her here, that she was in the bed with me. Smiling up at me cheekily as I slowly pecked her lips.

I loved that girl and I would be damned if I ever let her go.


"Mr Marshall." The doctor said quietly, we were sitting in the consultant's room eagerly awaiting the news of whether her mother and father could donate their kidney to Rose. "You are an eligible donor for Rose, Mrs Marshall, whilst you were a suitable donor, you cannot donate organs whilst pregnant."

I ducked my head as the doctor said that. I was here because of Mrs Marshall's generosity and I did not want to dive into their family drama anymore then I had to.

"That's impossible." She responded, "I was pregnant, I lost my baby."

Her voice softened and cracked towards the end of her sentence. The doctor hummed and then typed on his computer for a bit.

"No, your blood work confirms it. What it looks like is you were pregnant with a set of babies, and lost one, or two leaving you with one. That pregnancy went undetected due to the nature of the miscarriage and all of the bruising which caused a lack of clarity when the ultrasounds were later done."

I looked up and saw the shocked look on both of their faces. Mr Marshall took his wife's hand and squeezed it softly.

"I'll give you both a minute. Mr Valentini if I could have a word with you outside for a moment." I stood, congratulating Mr and Mrs Marshall before following the doctor outside.

"Mr Valentini." He started, "After such a traumatic incident your wife will probably require a lot of emotional support and possibly psychological aid. When you both get back to Italy, if and when she makes a full recovery, can I be assured that she will receive it?"

I nodded, "Rose will have full support and we will only be returning home when she is ready."

The doctor smiled at me briefly and then headed back into the room. Mr and Mrs Marshall emerged moments later, Mr Marshall followed the doctor and Mrs Marshall stood by me.

"We might as well find a waiting room." I told her and she nodded, looking slightly dazed.

She followed me, struggling to keep pace, so I slowed down and took her elbow in my hand. She turned to face me and then said in a quiet voice.

"I feel sick. So goddamned sick." Only then did I notice her pallor, she looked grey, her eyes seemed to have lost their focus slightly.

"C'mon let's get you sitting down." I told her as we approached a waiting room. I sat her down on a chair and then asked the receptionist if she had a vomit bag.

She nodded and rummaged around in a drawer for a moment before handing me one. I headed over to Mrs Marshall and handed her it.

She sat back in the chair, taking deep breaths. "I'm pregnant." She said softly, "I'm having another-" she placed the bag in front of her and spewed into it, I winced before rubbing her back softly.

At the end of the day, she was Rose's mother and I had to make sure that she was okay, or Rose would absolutely kill me.

"Are you okay Mrs Marshall?" I asked and she groaned slightly.

She sighed, moving the bag away from her face. "My husband is getting a kidney removed to give to my daughter who was shot and I just found out that I am pregnant with a baby that I thought I miscarried almost two months ago. No, I am not okay. Far from it actually."

"Do you want me to call Mrs Lombardi?" I asked and she nodded.

"Noah-" She then said, she moved to take my hand and turned me to face her. "-I know you didn't have a choice in marrying Rose but if you take care of her half as well as you have me today. Then I have no problem whatsoever with you being my son in law."

I smiled at her, I just got the stamp of approval from her mother and that meant more than anything to me.

"Thank you Mrs Marshall. That means a lot."

She smiled at me, the grey pallor fading and being replaced with a normal healthy glow. "It's Fleurie, now the doctor recommended that we go home and wait for news. Would you be able to drive, I'm still a tad shocked."

I nodded before helping her up and leading her towards the car. Only waiting anxiously on any news about them, on any news of their recoveries. I needed Rose to be okay, because if she wasn't I don't know what I'd do with myself and the thought of her dying more than scared me.

Rose, I silently begged, tesoro please I beg, be okay. I need you Tesoro, and I love you.

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