Chapter 6

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I guided her through my home, it was excessively large but it was home. I brought her through to the living room and showed her to the sofa. She sat down, admiring the marbled floor. I grabbed a blanket from the cupboard behind her and draped it around her shoulders. I then made my way over to her and sat next to her. Like she always did, she curled her legs underneath her and rested her head on my shoulder.

It took less than five minutes before the waterworks started again, I wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close. I wanted to be here for her, I needed to be here for her. We made a promise that no-matter what our relationship looked like, if the other one needed a hug or a talk, then we would be there for each other and that's what she needed now. She needed someone to sit with someone and just cry it out. I didn't have that someone when my parents died and I would be damned if I let her suffer in silence on her own.

"Alex-" She sniffled and I looked at her, her brown eyes red rimmed, they were the colour of an indulgent chocolate, small specks of green and gold floated around in them as they were slowly filled with glassy tears. "-thank you."

I pulled her closer to me.

"Your welcome, I didn't have anyone when I went through what you are going through and I am not going to let you go through that pain."

She wriggled slightly, lifting the blanket up to wipe at her tears.

"I'm sorry that you went through it all alone, I'm sorry that I was such an ass this morning." I laughed and pressed a kiss to the top of her head, her brown locks so soft and despite being messy because of the escaping reporters thing, she looked gorgeous.

"You, ma reine-" I commented, "-have absolutely nothing to be sorry for. Now, we may be here for a while, you might want to try and sleep. I'll wake you when I know the coast is clear." She nodded, closing her eyes and nuzzling into my chest.

I grabbed my phone and kept an eye out for any push notifications from press outlets regarding the whole 'secret girlfriend' thing. I hated being in this situation, word only got out to the press about me having a 'girlfriend' when a woman who I didn't know was a reporter at the time was really trying it on with me, and I was sick of it and said that I was with someone.

As soon as I said that, they backed down and started asking questions, none of which I answered thankfully. This was only yesterday, Jesus. This all happened just after I'd dropped her at home after the hospital visit, the last time that she'd seen her father.

I took a breath, before sending an email to my lawyers asking what they could do. I got a quick response and unless they published the picture then nothing.

I couldn't play defamation of character, which was my go to.They normally published some slanderous story about the company or myself in my younger years. There was nothing that I could do to protect her and that scared me. If her face leaked then she could pretty much say goodbye to normality and her normal life. Walking to work would no-longer be an option, she'd be surrounded and have pictures taken of her at some point. She'd have no privacy, I understood what that was like in my life. I hated it, having money meant unfortunately having some semblance of fame. People were envious and loved to try and harm those who were doing better than them, and I was lucky to be a man. Women who attain such levels of wealth through their businesses are torn to shreds in the media. Men, like myself were generally better off for it, we had a bad publication here and there but were mainly just thrown in 'richest billionaires in insert blank year here' magazines and if we were single and somewhat good looking then thrown in 'batchelor of the year' magazine for men and women alike to drool over.

Fleurie was a wonderfully normal woman, she came from a family that was living on the poverty line, she was in debt and working to pay off that debt. She was so wonderfully normal and that would be exactly what the press would go after. I didn't want a rich trophy wife, I didn't want an emotionless socialite for a girlfriend. I wanted someone that was normal, someone who wasn't afraid to eat pizza and spill some tomato sauce on their blouse. Someone who could make me laugh and make me forget about work.

Ma Reine Her King✔     (Complete) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt