Chapter 10

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It had almost become like a routine at this point, Fleurie and her mother's house had to be knocked down and built up from scratch again because of all of the structural damage that the damp had done to it. One of the builders had even said that if we got any kind of extreme weather then the house would have simply toppled over and crushed anyone inside.

So, it was taking a bit longer to do than I had initially expected and I did not mind one bit, every morning I would wake up with her in my arms, we'd have a little snuggle before work, given her morning sickness wasn't giving her hell, in which case I would try and offer support with my noise cancelling headphones in. I really could not stand the sound of someone vomiting or the smell.

Then we'd both change and head downstairs where Fleurie's mom was learning new tricks from my chef and then we all ate together. I would drive Fleurie and myself to work and one of my drivers would take Fleurie's mother off to work.

Fleurie and I had learned now to embrace the looks and stares, I felt no fear holding her hand as we walked into work or left work. Not to mention it was amazing to have someone to eat my lunch with other than Axel who can be a little bit of a knob sometimes. You have to take him in small doses and get used to having insults hurled your way in a friendly way. The English were weird but he was a good friend.

I loved living with Fleurie, it was so much nicer than living practically on my own. Yes I had an army of staff, some of which lived in the house in their own quarters but I always felt alone in such a big house. With her in it, waking up in my bed every morning, having breakfast with me and sitting in the living room watching movies together the house finally felt like a home.

It was like any other day in the office, I glanced at the CCTV in Fleurie's office and noticed that she was a little bit green faced. I quickly grabbed the landline on my desk and called her extension.

"Yes Alex." She answered, a little out of breath.

"Are you feeling okay?"

Fleurie cursed and then laughed, "No, the demon spawn inside me thinks that now is a good idea to make me sick."

I laughed, "They're not a demon, they're an angel." She groaned and I heard the phone drop, I checked the CCTV and saw her drop her head towards the bin. I turned away from the camera and then said, "You should just take the rest of the day off."

"What did you say? I didn't hear you."

I rethought what I just said, knowing that she would throw a tizzy over me suggesting that she took the day off.

"Nothing, do you think that you'll be feeling up for lunch?"

I watched her on the CCTV as she turned to face the camera. I don't know how she found out where it was but when we'd have these chats now she'd always turn to face it.

"Probably, I have to have something even if the little cretin in my uterus decides that it is not worth eating and makes me sick later." I watched her walk over to the window and open it, locking it in place, it was a cold day but I had no doubt about it being to mask the smell of vomit.

"Are you taking the vitamins that the doctor recommended?" She nodded at the camera.I spotted her door open and then said down the phone, "Client incoming. Speak soon ma reine."

She turned quickly and smiled at the client, tucking the bin filled with vomit under her desk and grabbing a mint.

I turned off my live feed and quickly went back to work, everything usually calmed down in November and then picked back up again in December. I was just scrolling through an Ebook copy of parenting for dummies and researching the different things in more depth so that I knew what to expect.

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