Chapter 4

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"Alexander." I called, his coffee was going cold. He'd nipped outside to take a phone call and hadn't come back in, I wasn't concerned but he could at least take his coffee out with him to warm him. It was twenty seven degree's outside, he was going to freeze to death.

He poked his head through the door and mouthed 'what?'.

I handed him his coffee and then whispered, "It should keep you warm. It's below freezing out there."

He smiled at the sentiment, pressing a soft kiss to my lips before heading back outside. I placed my mug down on the countertop and checked on the eggs, they were nearly ready, all I had to do was salt and pepper them and then I could plate them with the rest of breakfast.

I grabbed two dry plates from the drying rack and placed them on the countertop. I turned the stove off and carefully removed each egg, sunny side up onto the plate before plating the bacon and sausage. I then placed both on the small dining table, that me and Alex had eaten breakfast at every morning, and had occasionally eaten dinner as if we weren't out at meetings and whatnot. Something I learned being here was that businessmen sure do love to discuss their affairs over a late dinner.

I drained the last of my mug and took my seat at the table, draping a fluffy woolen cardigan over my shoulders. I started on my breakfast, knowing if I didn't Alex would moan on about how he told me not to wait for his call to end.

The door creaked open and Alex stepped inside, wiping the snow off of his boots and removing them before walking into the kitchen itself. His mug was in hand as he closed the door and made his way towards the table.

"It's baltic out there." Alexander complained and I smiled at him.

"I did say that you didn't have to go outside to take your call, it's only twenty seven degrees."

Alex took his fork and knife in hand as he commented, "I think you'll find that it is minus three degrees not twenty seven, that is wishful thinking."

"Fahrenheit." I argued and he nodded,

"Okay, twenty seven farenheit that makes more sense. I was always taught to use celsius because it's more commonly used globally. America is the odd one out."

I cut into the sausage on my plate, "That makes sense, until you're trying to tell an American the temperature."

He nodded, "True. Surely your mother uses celsius. You mentioned that she was french."

I nodded, "Yeah she does, I guess me and my father always saw it like when she didn't know she was slipping back into french. She'd always say whatever celsius and then give the fahrenheit a moment later after she'd done the conversion."

"Ah-" Alex stated, "-that's the difference, you see both my parents were Russian, so never used it, nor felt the need to correct themselves despite being in America. Your father was American so she'd correct it so he could understand her. That makes a lot of sense."

Swallowing a mouthful of sausage, I nodded, "Tell me more about your parents? They sound like they were wonderful."

Alex sighed, pausing and looking down at his breakfast. "Can we maybe discuss that a bit later, talking about them is hard. And normally puts me off food for a little bit. I don't want to go hungry today, we're quite busy."

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