Chapter 11

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I was lying in bed as Brooklyn Nine Nine was playing on the television. Alex was at work and I was by myself. My hands were resting over my stomach as I snacked on some potato chips. My phone buzzed and I leaned across for it, I grabbed it and answered,

"Hey ma reine."

"Hey, how are you?" I asked, I heard Alex shut the door and I sat up, feeling a little bit of discomfort and pressure.

"I'm good, I'm missing you though. How are you?" He asked.

"A tad uncomfortable." I stood and felt my mucus plug dislodge. Shit, "You might want to get home sometime soon."

"Why is everything okay?"

I let a short breath fall from my lips, I was starting to worry. "My water just broke, we should have time because my mucus plug just dislodged."

"Shit, okay. I'm on my way over." I smiled, holding my stomach, this was happening, I was having a baby.

"Stay on the phone please. Just in case."

Alex laughed, it was one filled with fear and nervousness. "I wasn't planning on it."

I waddled downstairs, holding my back and making my way towards the kitchen to make myself a cup of tea.

I had some time, I didn't know how much but I had a couple hours at most. Alex was freaking out on the entire drive home, when my contractions started he yelled at the driver before apologizing and asking him to run a red.

"Fleurie!" Alex yelled as he ran into the house. I hung up my phone and replied,

"I'm in the living room!"

Another contraction struck and I cursed, clutching at my stomach, they were way too far apart to go to the hospital, but I knew that Alex would say otherwise. I spotted Alex in the doorway, he sprinted towards me, noticing how hunched it was.

"Fleur, c'mon we're going to the hospital." I didn't want to disagree with him so I stood and made my way over to him. Alex wrapped an arm around my shoulders and led me out to the car, the walk itself wasn't too bad. Despite being barefoot and wearing pyjamas. I was sat in the car, the driver about to take off when I remembered,

"The baby bag Alex, it's in the room." Alex nodded and went running off into the house. I had enough time to call mom whilst Alex was sprinting through the house, using the stamina that the mafia training that he'd been doing with his uncle to be as quick as possible. I was honestly just thankful that he was in the states today, he's been all over the place recently and I've been at home because we didn't want to risk a premature birth.

Alex made his way back to the car, a bag on his back. He jumped in as I'd finally gotten an answer from my mom.

"Hey baby, what's up?" She asked and I glanced at Alex who was fastening his seatbelt,

"That baby is on it's way. Me and Alex are headed to the hospital now."

I heard mom squeal and I almost laughed if another contraction hadn't come barreling along, Jesus they were speeding up.

"Call me when they're out, I'll come and visit you and Alexander then."

I swallowed a cry of pain back and handed the phone to Alex. I watched him handle the situation in his frenzied state and it was damn hilarious. He was freaking out and trying to speak to my mom whilst he was trying to hide the worry on his face.

"You're a bastard." I gritted out in pain, I didn't mean a word of it but cursing him out felt good in the moment, he was the one who put this demon spawn inside of me.

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