Chapter Eleven

Começar do início

"Trust me. He's not happy," Emerson have me a small frown before grabbing my hand, removing it from the fist I had made, and walked me out the door. I intertwined our fingers together and gripped tighter. I don't want to see anyone right now but I knew people would come looking for me if I didn't.

Emerson pulled me closer and gripped my hand tighter. I breathed a deep breath and exhaled through my mouth like Brendon had made me do the previous day.

Em walked me into the living room which caused everyone's heads to turn towards me.

"Good morning sunshine," Brendon got up off the couch and pulled me into his embrace, making me release my grip on Emerson, before looking me deep in my eyes scanning to see if I had any injury.

"Morning," I mumbled and pulled him back into an embrace.

"You okay love?" He whispered into my ear.

I pulled him out of the embrace I had him in and began to sign all of what had happened and how I was feeling . He frowned and led me to the couch. Jessica and Remington were cuddled on the couch together, Josh was alone staring blankly at the tv, Sebastian sat at the island, Tyler was in the kitchen looking through my food, and Emerson was following me to the couch.

Brendon laid me on the couch and pulled me into his embrace. Emerson pulled my legs into his lap and began to tap some beat on them. I smiled and snuggled deeper into Brendon's chest.  He began to play with my hair.

"Why is she such a slut? She has all the guys on her. I swear," Jessica muttered, but loud enough for everyone to hear.

Josh, Emerson, Tyler, and Brendon all stopped what they were doing and looked at her. Remington was stuck in his own mind. Too frozen in shock to even react.

"I swear to god. You have no fucking respect. You never have you stalking bitch ass hoe. All you ever do is talk bad about people because you're jealous. It's not our fault that you're not as pretty, or even as kind as Kat. She's fucking perfect compared to your little ass. And you dare disrespect her in her fucking house? The door is that way. Get the fuck out," Tyler screamed. Smirks spread across everyone's face except for mine and Remington. I sighed and buried my head deeper into Brendon. Remington just sat there shocked. His whole body was tense. His face looked red from anger and from embarrassment.

"You can't do that to me. Tell them baby," Jessica whined.

"No babe, I think it's time you left. I'll text you later," Remington brought her off the couch and led her to the door. He kissed her cheek and shut the door in her face before locking it and taking his place back on the couch.

Can I just die yet? My whole fucking life has been a rollercoaster that wasn't fun at all to ride and I wanted off. I needed a razor and I needed one now.

I turned away from Emerson and Brendon making sure my whole body aside from my head and legs/feet were pressed up against the couch. I crossed my arms and began to pick at my scars. I bit back a wince and continued to do so until I bled. I clawed at my wrist just begging to feel some kind of relief. I wanted the sweet relief of death.

Brendon had noticed my shaking and he moved me a little bit closer to him. Unfortunately he noticed my bleeding arm. The blood had now trailed from my wrist all the way down to my elbow with a thick line of blood that just kept leaving droplets of blood around me.

"Ah fuck," Brendon muttered causing all eyes to look our way. Everyone's eyes doubled in size. Tyler rushed to the kitchen and grabbed a towel from my drawers. He threw it to Josh who ran and pressed it on my arm. Brendon held the towel in place and led me slowly to the guest bathroom.
He set me on the counter before running to my room and began to search for the first aid kit. I began to analyze my appearance. I had blood smeared everywhere and the redness becoming one with the white towel Tyler had given to Josh. I sighed. My shirt and blue denim jeans were now stained with blood drops.

Brendon came back and began to remove the towel from my arm. He opened the red and white kit and took out gauze, peroxide, and white bandage tape.

"Why can't you guys just let me die?" I asked him. Tears pooled around my eyes.

"It's not your time, you're far too young to die," he kissed my head and began to work on my wounds. Remington came and watched from the door frame. I glanced up at him to catch his gaze. His eyes were pooled with tears, pain and regret shimmered in his eyes once more.

"I never meant to hurt you or anyone else, I only meant to do this to myself," I began to sob.

"You didn't hurt me," Brendon smiled softly and gazed into my eyes before trying to help me. I pulled away in fear.

Remington had walked into the room and just pulled me into his embrace, but leaving my arm open so Brendon could finish bandaging me.

"Please stay. I love it when you're around and it kills me to see you this way," Remington whispered in my ear. I cried into his shirt. My heart longed for his embrace.

"I'm such a fucking attention seeking whore like everyone says," I cried even harder. This caused Brendon and Remington to both stop what they're doing and look at me.

"Whoever told you that is fucking lying. I don't see you posting your scars on social media talking about how you got them and when you did it. I don't see you posting about your anorexia problem and showing off how fucking skinny you are. You're the exact opposite. You're just a little dramatic sometimes. But that's not your fault. You're going through some hard shit that no one on that damned website knows about," Remington gripped my shoulders looking deeply into my blue pale eyes.

I nodded my head and looked down. Brendon put the finishing touches on my bandages and kissed them.

"No more," he gave me a stern look and I nodded my head.

"I'm sorry," I wiped my tears.

"Don't be sorry. Just try harder okay?" Brendon smiled at me and ruffled my hair. I nodded my hair and returned the smile. God today was going to be a long day.

Her Story (Remington Leith) (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora