Punished for who I am and meeting Grayback

Start from the beginning

"I don't understand."

"You are to breastfeed the child until they decide they no longer desire too. I don't care how old they become. They are to make the decision as to when they stop breastfeeding. This spell and concoction you will drink will ensure that you can breastfeed for as long as the child desires.

"Yes my Lord. Lucious is going to become suspicious. How do I explain why I've changed my mind?"

"Blame it on hormones. Say that your on an emotional roll coaster. That you really are happy that your having a child. If they ask why, it's simple one more death eater, to raise in my service."

"Master, wouldn't it be wiser to inform Rudolfous of the situation? He's already suspicious of her being pregnant." Nagini replied.

"Ahh Nagini, you are right as usual. Bellatrix, I've changed my mind. Rudolfous needs to be informed of the situation. Please send him to me."

"Of course. Rudolfous the Dark Lord wishes to speak to you."


"He didn't say, and I didn't pry." I reply coldly.

"Rudolfous my old friend have a seat."

"How can I be of assistance to you my lord?"

"The child that Bellatrix is carrying.."

"Yes?" Rudolfous replies with a frown.

"Why do you seem so upset by it?"

"Because I'm certain the child is not mine but I don't know who she would have had an affair with. She's only ever been interested in you my Lord, but I'd never accuse you of sigh a thing."

"Bellatrix and I did not have an affair. However, I did trick her into getting pregnant."

"I'm confused."

"The night of your anniversary I cast a spell to become you."

"Why would you do that?"

"I wanted to have a child and Bellatrix is the best option for the child's mother."

"Are we talking about the same person my Lord? Bellatrix is anything but motherly."

"Yes. I didn't count on Bellatrix not wanting the child. However, after informing her of the truth, she has graciously decided to raise the child. She has promised to endeavor to be the best mother she can be. I must now ask you a most difficult question. Will you willingly claim the child as your own? No one must know or ever suspect that the child is mine."

"You want me to have the honor of raising your son or daughter as my own?"

"Yes. So what do you say? Will you raise the child alongside Bellatrix?"

"Yes of course my Lord."

"Oh and Rudolfous, I've given Bellatrix specific institutions on how the child is to be raised. It is your duty to ensure that she follows those instructions."

"Yes my Lord."

Bellatrix POV

"So your keeping the child? What made you change your mind Bella?" Lucious asked.

"I told you not to call me that!" I hisses at Lucius who smirks in reply. "Not that it's
any concern of yours but I would never rob the master of a future death eater."

"Is that the only reason?" Lucious asks cocking an eyebrow at me.

"What exactly are you insinuating Lucious?" I demand angrily.

Voldemort's daughter original unedited version Where stories live. Discover now