〖2〗Freed x Reader | The Little Moments

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[Your POV]
I was walking through a large city on my way back from a mission. I had been gone for around a week and I was already feeling a bit homesick. As I was walking down the crowded street I noticed a small girl sitting on the steps of a building crying. People scurried about the large city making their way to their destinations without giving the child a second thought. I immediately made my way over to her and crouched down. "Are you alright?" I asked. She looked up at me with big green eyes and shook her head. "I don't know where I am." She said. "What's your name?" I asked. "Andrea." She replied. "That's a beautiful name. I'm (Y/N)." "C-can you help me find my way home (Y/N)?" She asked shyly. I smiled gently and replied saying. "Of course."

I walked while holding Andrea's hand and she explained to me what her house looked like. After around twenty minutes had passed we finally arrived. I knocked on the door and a beautiful woman with a worried expression answered. She looked down and saw Andrea and her eyes widened as a bright smile crossed her face. "Mommy!" Andrea shouted as she ran up to the woman and hugged her, tears falling down her cheeks. "Oh, my sweet Andrea! I was so worried." The woman said as she cried tears of joy and relief. I smiled and turned around, walking away. "(Y/N)!" I heard Andrea shout. I turned around in time to receive a hug from her. "Thank you for helping me get home." She said. "You're welcome." I said with a smile. Her mother smiled and thanked me as well before I was once again on my way.

I left the large city behind and not an hour later I was in my home city. I smiled at the familiar sight of the happy citizens and the smiling shopkeepers as they went about their daily business. I walked through the city until I came to a building that was filled with rowdy noise which could easily be heard from far away. I silently opened the doors and entered the large building; as usual everyone was in a large brawl. I was soon spotted by Mirajane and she waved at me with her cheerful smile. I walked up to her and she set an (F/D) in front of me. "Welcome home (Y/N)." She said with a smile. "It's good to be back." "How did your mission go?" "Perfect, I completed it without a single thing going wrong." "That's good to hear." "So, how's everything on your end?" "Pretty much normal." "I guess that's good. At least it's not bad." "Yep!"

I smiled as I finished my drink and set the amount of jewels on the bar counter. My eyes searched the guild for a certain person. I heard Mirajane giggle behind me and I turned to look at her. She smiled brighter than usual and I could sense a hint of mischief. "If you're looking for Freed he's not here yet. He went on a mission with Laxus and the Raijinshuu. He should be back soon though." She said. As usual she could read me like an open book without even trying. I smiled and thanked her and as I did the doors swung open revealing the four wizards.

I smiled as I spotted the green haired Rune Mage. His eyes scanned the guild with a bored expression until he spotted me. His face immediately brightened, and he ran up to me and gave me a hug. "You're back!" He said. "Yup." "I missed you." "I was only gone for a week." I said as I looked at him. "but I missed you too." There was then a squealing noise and I looked to see Mirajane with a camera. "Okay don't move you two!" She said. "Wait, maybe move. I know! Why don't you kiss! That would make an adorable picture!" I blushed and crossed my arms. "Mira." I pouted. She looked up at me with big eyes. "Pretty please." "Why do you want a picture of us?" I asked. "Because I collect pictures of things I think are cute!" She said. "It's embarrassing." I muttered. "I'll just take one picture. Just humor me. Please." She said. "It can't hurt. It would be more bothersome to argue with her than to let her take the picture." Freed said.

I sighed knowing that he had a point. Mirajane readied her camera as Freed's face grew closer to mine. Even though we'd kissed before my heart rate was increasing greatly. His lips contacted my cheek as a blinding flash came from Mirajane's camera. "It wasn't a kiss on the lips, but this is actually even cuter!" She said with a smile. "Glad we could make you happy." I said. "Well if you'll excuse us, we're going to head home." Freed said as he grabbed my hand and walked out of the guild. Mirajane smiled and waved at us as we left. It was little moments like these that made my life with my boyfriend the best.

 It was little moments like these that made my life with my boyfriend the best

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