〖3〗Rogue x Reader | Frosch The Match Maker

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"FRO-O-O!!!" You shouted, feeling the chilly night air drying your throat even more. Rogue was walking next to you, shouting the little exceed's name with you. You'd never seen him so worried. And, of course, Sting was with you. You swore that boy didn't have a care in the world- not even now. But Rogue was a different story. His cat was precious to him, and he was totally lost without him.

Sting yawned and stretched his back. "Maybe we should split up for a while and search that way?" He offered, tiredly. You scowled. He wouldn't search for Fro- he'd be back at the guild, taking a nap or flirting with girls. Rogue was so focused he didn't seem to care. So, you answered. "Maybe..." Sting grinned at you, his pointy dragon teeth showing. "I'll head down that alley with Lector." He said. "You and Rogue head down this one." Somehow you got the feeling he was up to no good.

Before you could answer, Sting had excused himself and was sprinting down his chosen alleyway. You skeptically looked at his retreating back. What a moron. "C'mon, Rogue." You said, trying to encourage the concerned Dragon Slayer. "We'll find him, I promise." Rogue looked up at you and nodded, holding eye contact with you for a moment. You felt your stomach fly into a spasm of some feeling you'd not experienced before. Especially not around Rogue. Sure, he was good looking, but you'd never felt fluttery around him. Rogue nodded at you and you found yourself staring dreamily at him for a moment before following him down the alley.

It must've been ten minutes before he finally said something. "Thanks, (Y/N)." He said softly. "Hm? For what?" You asked, flustered by his sudden burst of conversation. "For helping me... find Frosch." "Oh! Heh, duh." You chuckled nervously. "And you're welcome. I love that little cat... I want him to be ok." You stood in silence, debating whether or not to say what was in your heart. Suddenly, your lips opened as though they had a mind of their own and formed words you never would've said to Rogue. "And... I want you to be ok, too." You said. He stopped dead, turning to look at you with surprise in his face.

You flushed darkly. "I-I um... I just don't like seeing you sad, you know? It's better when you have a smile to light up your face..." You started trailing off. He had a slight blush on his face now. "What are you saying, (Y/N)?" "Well, I um..." You trailed fully off as he suddenly stepped close to you. You weren't short, but Rogue was certainly tall, and you came face-to-chest with him and flushed darker than ever. "I uh..." You didn't have words to say.

He was so close to you- so close you could see the color variations in his red eyes when you looked into them. So close you could smell his natural musk- a mixture of fire smoke and cologne. So close you could feel his gentle breath on your face. So close you locked lips. Of course, you'd have locked lips with him anyway at this point, but something had shoved your faces together from behind. Your (E/C) eyes shot open in shock and stared into Rogue's as he smiled gently into your first kiss and encircled your waist with his hands. You closed your eyes eventually, wrapping your arms around his neck and cupping the back of his head with a hand.

You ran your slender fingers through his raven hair, noting the softness and thickness of it. You smiled, too, and eventually broke. You turned to the side, spotting the culprits. Sting was lying on the ground, rolling around and laughing. Lector was right there with him and Fro was jumping up and down beside them. It was fine. "Fro!" Rogue exclaimed. Frosch giggled. "FRO IS SO HAPPY!" He squeaked. And with that, you and Rogue joined in the hysterical laughter, and laughed the night away.

 And with that, you and Rogue joined in the hysterical laughter, and laughed the night away

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