Freed x Reader | My Queen

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[Your POV]

"My body's weak, I can't move. What's going on?" You mumble to yourself. "How could this monster have overpowered me?" You find yourself asking, not knowing that the one you loved would soon be coming to your aid. Taking a job to take down a single monster seemed like such a simple task, but it had proved to be much more challenging than you thought.

Your magic was depleted, and your consciousness was slowly slipping away. "(Y/N)!!!!!!!!!" You hear just as this monster grabs you by your leg, causing you to dangle upside down. "Is this really it? Is this really how I'm going to die, at the hands of a monster?" You question, but soon the words you'd been waiting to hear, ringing in your ears. Freed, Freed Justine; your hero, your crush, your teammate. "I-I love you Freed. I....I believe in you..." You mumbled, and just as your eyes are soon to close, and your body soon to hit the ground you see one of Freed's eyes changed and know that he isn't happy.

The look as he sees your body slam against the grown, it was like a fire was lit under him. You knew he would be the one to take down this monster, you had faith in him.

[Freed's POV]

"How dare you break the rule of my enchantment?" He shouted with no intention to show him any mercy. He knew that he should have never let you go alone. You were so special, so unique, the glimmer of light in the dark world. His eyes quickly averted from your unmoving body, to the best before him. He used all of his power and strength on this beast, determined to take him down. For you, for Fairy Tail, for everyone who'd been harmed or killed by this beast.

A smirk of satisfaction plastered on his face, as he watched the monster fall before him. "That's what happens when you mess with the people of Fairy Tail." He stated then turned his glance back to you. He saw the pain going through your body, just by the despairing look on your face. He wanted nothing more than to erase the look of pain from your beautiful face.

He came to your aid kneeling beside your frail and pale body. He's arms scooping you up and holding you as if you were a bride, and he had to protect you with his life. He never knew of how you felt, or even how he felt about you until you said those three little words. "I love you, Freed." The words played over and over in his mind as he walked with you in his arms. "I love you too, My Queen." He said quietly without knowing that you were just coming to and had heard him. Your cheeks turned a light pink color, and your (E/C) began to open. When your eyes found him you knew that you couldn't hold back anymore, and with him looking down at you blushing as well, you placed your hand on his cheek. "Did you mean that?" Freed smiled a small smile and leaned his face against your hand. "I've never been a man to say something that I didn't mean." He said causing you to blush but lean up and kiss him.

The kiss was so gentle, but yet held so much built up emotion. Finally, destiny had brought two people together. All the waiting and longing, was now just something of the past. All the times they had argued, cried, smiled, hurt, and mourned; they happened for a reason. A reason that no one by now, but the three little words changed everything. Holes and scars that once scared their hearts, were gone, and finally they could be happy.

 Holes and scars that once scared their hearts, were gone, and finally they could be happy

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