〖2〗Laxus x Reader | Scary Love

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You shivered as the eerie music played through your head again. This was not your idea of a good Halloween.

You were stuck in a haunted house.

At night.

With Laxus.

Stupid Mirajane.

She was so fond of playing matchmaker, so she sent you and Laxus to the local Haunted house alone. Both of you were hesitant, if hostile, but eventually you complied. You didn't really know Laxus. He was just kind of... there. Of course, you knew OF him. Everything he'd done in life seemed to circulate through the Fairy Tail guild. So now here you were, with this tall guy you didn't know, in a dark haunted mansion, at night. You glanced up at him beside you, feeling like a little girl for being afraid.

His chiseled face was deadpan as he walked through the dark hallway with you. He noticed your gaze and turned to look down at you. You blushed lightly, turning to look at the floor again. "Hey." You looked up, hearing his deep voice addressing you. "Yes?" "Um... about the whole Mira thing..." He stared into your eyes, and you were suddenly self-conscious at the thought. Laxus looked away, focusing once again on the dark pathway before you. "Sorry."
"Oh..." You said, "don't worry about it..." You twiddled your thumbs behind your back for a moment, thinking about your maid costume, which looked sort of makeshift compared to Laxus' almost real warrior armor. He looked kind of handsome like that, you thought.

Suddenly, your slender ankle caught on something thin and hard. You tripped and fell, squeaking like a little mouse. You turned, spotting a white tripwire where you'd stepped. You sighed, embarrassed, until you saw something else behind you. A white, almost transparent figure floated slowly toward you. Oh, a ghost. You raised an eyebrow at the shoddy work on the "monstrous" ghost. It was just a sheet with two buttons sewn on for eyes. You tugged at Laxus' coat from where he'd knelt to help you up after your fall. "Look, a ghost." He looked up, shrugged, and pulled you fully to your feet.

"Eh, just a fake." As you nodded, he turned to walk onward. Suddenly, a blood-curdling scream filled your ears, shattering the perfect silence of the house. Your eyes shot open as your heart did backflips in your chest. You stopped dead, staring straight ahead in pure terror. Laxus had stopped, too. "What... was-" You stuttered. But you were cut off as another scream echoed down the hall. You turned, very slowly, and spotted the little ghost, which had been following you. "Um... L-Laxus?" You stammered. And then, the ghost took on a terrifying form. It changed into the shape of a face, a very human face, and grew long fangs, and suddenly the eyes that had appeared dropped from their sockets, hitting the wooden floor with two ominous thuds as blood poured out the holes. You clamped a hand over your mouth in horror as another scream sent your heart thudding.

So, it was this ghost making that awful noise. But apparently that wasn't the only noise it made. It formed words, too. "RUN!" It screamed at you, and you were happy to oblige. You took off, sprinting down the hall and ignoring Laxus' shouts of your name. You ran as fast as you could, turning down the next hallway, only to run into a giant spiderweb. Somehow, you managed to get tangled in it, and you yelled for help as your fluttering heart jumped to a higher speed. And then, you heard a grunt, and a few shuffling noises. You turned slowly in horror to spot a group of zombies. You screamed, finding enough energy to struggle out of the web and run away from the now pursuing zombies. You sprinted down a dark corridor, stopping in horror to hear the loud thumping of some running being.

The zombies were following you at high speed! You ran faster than you'd ever run in your life, sprinting through hallways and rooms, until finally you ran into something. Well, someone. You yelled out as two strong hands wrapped around your wrists. You pulled backwards, trying to get loose, as the grip on your wrists only grew stronger. "(Y/N)!" Someone yelled. You opened your eyes, looking up at a tall, blonde man- Laxus. You blushed, completely embarrassed as you noticed he was holding you close. He was blushing too. "Let's get out of here." He said, releasing your wrists.

You stood still, glued to the place you stood. Laxus sighed, cupping your chin in his hands and turning your face up so you looked at each other. "Are you ok?" You shook your head. "Yeah, I'm great. Just had about twenty mini heart attacks, but I'm great." Laxus chuckled. "Stupid question I guess." He turned away, ready to leave, but something stopped him. Suddenly, he swung around, planting his lips on yours in a single movement. You were so shocked after he broke the kiss that you just stared ahead, eyes wide. Laxus took your hand, leading you out of the haunted house and back home. He made you feel safe, you realized. Maybe you really loved him.

Stupid Mira.

Stupid Mira

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