〖2〗Gajeel x Reader | An Reward

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[Your POV]

I walked through a forest. I was going to a mission on the other side of this forest. I'm an S-Class wizard in Fairy Tail. But I'm not nearly as strong as Erza. I'm an elemental Wizard. I can currently use fire, air, earth, water, and lightning. I still need practice with others. I also have another magic. My mission was to find a group of dark wizards.

I finally got to the requester's house. She told me the dark wizards had a base up in the mountains. I left her house and went up to the mountains. It took me a while, but I finally found their base. I came up with a strategy seeing as they are my specialty. Master Makarov says I'm like another Mavis when it comes to my strategies. It appeared as though they only had about ten people at the base. They didn't appear strong, but I knew not to judge a book by its cover.

I made my way down to the base. "Who the hell are you?" One of the men yelled. They all grabbed weapons and ran towards me. I activated my other magic. It allowed me to gain information on my opponents, but I can't be too far away. "It appears as though only five of the current ten men here are wizards." I said aloud. I targeted the non-wizards. "It appears the five wizards use the elements fire, water, and earth. Two control water, two control fire, and one control earth." I said. I summoned lightning and took out the two water wizards. "So, you're a lightning wizard? My specialty." The earth wizard said with a cocky smirk. He stepped forward and summoned his earth. I used water and turned the earth into mud. "What the hell? I thought you were a lightning wizard." He growled. I smiled. I then used my water and knocked him out.

The two fire wizards looked scared. "You can surrender now, or we can do this the hard way." I said. They lit their fists on fire and charged at me. "Damn they always choose the hard way." I sighed. I knocked them out with my water. "These guys were so easy to defeat." I said. Suddenly I heard someone clapping. I looked to where the sound was coming from. A man in black was standing there. "Well done, you took out all those men without even breaking a sweat." He said. "You're happy I beat your comrades?" I growled. "I wouldn't say happy, I'm simply impressed. But those weak scum could never be my comrades." He said with a laugh.

I growled. I charged at him using my lightning magic. But my magic vanished. "What happened?" I asked. "The men that you fought specialize in elemental magic, but my specialty is nullifying elemental magic." He said. "Damn it, I'm totally screwed. Guess I'll have to stick to my hand-to-hand skills for now." I thought. I charged at him and hit his face. "Interesting plan, since you can't use your magic you decide to use your fists. Sadly, for you I'm an expert in hand-to-hand combat." He said as he hit me in the stomach. I coughed up blood. "Damn, you're pretty good." I said. "But I have a few tricks up my sleeve." I wiped the blood from my mouth and got into the position to use one of my secret attacks. "I know he can nullify elements but maybe if I send all of the at him fast enough he won't have time." I thought. I released all of them at once, but it vanished. "Sorry but no matter how fast you send it, I can still nullify your magic." He said. I kept attacking him.

[Time Skip]

I lay on the ground. "I can't do anything if he keeps nullifying my damned magic." I thought.
My entire body was covered with cuts, bruises, and blood. "Now it's my turn to use my magic, say goodbye girl." He said as he started chanting something. I closed my eyes waiting for the impact. But it never came. The smoke from the attack slowly faded to show someone standing there. I immediately recognized who it was.
"Gajeel?" I said. "How lame is that? I have to rescue an S-Class wizard." He growled. "Just stay back and let me take care of this bastard." Gajeel said. I of course didn't argue.

I hardly had enough energy to keep my eyes open. Gajeel charged at the guy. In a matter of minutes, the man was laying on the ground unconscious. "I suppose we're lucky that Iron doesn't count as the type of element he can nullify eh?" I said as Gajeel put me on his back. "Tell me the way back to the requester's house so we can tell them the dark wizards won't be bothering them anymore." I told him how to get there.

He knocked on the fore to the house of the woman. She opened it and gasped. "Oh my, are you alright dear?" She asked concerned. "Thank you for your concern I'll be fine." I said with a smile. "I just wanted to tell you that the request has been completed, they will not be bothering you anymore." I said. "Oh, thank you so much dear. Let me get your reward." She said. "But I didn't complete the request. Gajeel had to save me and defeat the leader." I said. "But the request was completed, and I am giving you the reward even if you don't want it." She said. I smiled as she handed me the money. "Thank you very much." I said. "And remember if you have any more problems just send Fairy Tail a request and we'll help you." I said with a smile. I and Gajeel left her house with me on his back again. "You don't have to carry me." I said feeling guilty. "Don't worry about it (N/N) [Nick Name]." He said.

He carried me all the way back to Magnolia. Luckily it wasn't that far. We received strange looks from the citizens. Some awed saying how we were an adorable couple. Gajeel ignored them and kept walking. He stopped at a park and sat on a bench. I grabbed the reward and took a quarter of the money and gave the rest to Gajeel. He grunted as if saying "why are you giving me this?" "Well you completed the mission, so you should get most of the reward." I said. "I have something else I'd like as a reward." Gajeel said leaning his face closer to mine. "And what's that?" I said leaning closer mime as well. "This." Gajeel said closing the distance between our faces. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck deepening the kiss.

We broke when the need for air was too strong. "That's much better than money." Gajeel said with a smile. I smiled happy that I actually got to see him smile instead of smirk. "I'm still giving you half of the reward." I said. "Half?" He said. "I thought it was a third." He said. I kissed him again. "If you keep doing that I'll take a quarter." He said with a laugh.

" He said with a laugh

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