〖2〗Sting x Reader | New Love

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[Your POV]

You were walking down the street, up to Sabertooth. You'd heard Jiemma was no longer the guild master. That was great, since you never really liked that douche of a master. Apparently, he kicked out, or even killed, mages who failed him or lost a battle. You'd always really looked up to Sabertooth, as your mom and dad had been in the guild for a small amount of time. Before they were killed. You nervously played with one of your [Hair Color] locks. You seriously hoped that the new master wasn't an ass.

You took in a deep breath when you were in front of the doors. This was it. What you'd been waiting for. It was what you wanted... right? 'Quit being such a pansy!' You mentally berated yourself. You pushed open the heavy wooden doors. To your surprise, and embarrassment, many of the members there stopped what they were doing to look at you, causing a bit of heat to rise to your face. "Ah, a new member." A voice boomed. You lifted your slightly red face to see the new guild master, Sting. "Yes, I'd like to join." You said resolutely, surprised your voice didn't quiver at all. "What kind of magic d'ya use?" Sting asked, leaning down to bring himself down to your height. Let's just say you weren't exactly the tallest person ever. "Uh, I use, Sound magic!" You said, stumbling over your words. Idiot! Sting's eyebrow quirked up. "Mind showin' us a little?" You nodded, not wanting to seem like more of an idiot.

You sang a high piercing note and bits of glass shattered and zoomed towards Sting, only to drop as soon as you ceased. A bunch of people gave you approving looks, much to your pleasure. Sting clapped his hands slowly. "Impressive. Illa!" He called. A very pretty lady with honey brown hair in a messy bun and strangely dull silver eyes came over to you.

She only slightly was taller than you. "Stamp her, will ya?" Illa, you assumed, took out a stamp, though the black bottom part looked only as though it was wet with water. "Where would you like the stamp?" She asked, her eyes staring right over you. "On my arm. Here, please!" You requested, tapping your arm where you wanted it. Illa held your arm in a loose but firm grip and pressed the stamp into your arm.

Golden sparkles flew from the area. When Illa took the stamp away, a golden Sabertooth mark was left on your (S/T) [Skin Tone] arm. "Arigato!" You said quickly. Illa smiled gently. "You're welcome!" "Need a place to stay?" Sting asked, one hand on his hip. You thought for a moment, then realized that your home was actually a long way away, all the way in Clover Town. "Uh, yeah." You said with a bashful smile, one hand on the back of your neck. "S'okay. I suppose you can stay with me." Sting said, with a grin. "Yeah, sure, and when will you kick me out?" You asked, rolling your eyes. "How about... never?"


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