〖4〗Gajeel x Reader | Love Song

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Music. Something that if done correctly, can bring everyone together and make them happy. That was a belief that (Y/N) usually stood by faithfully. Being the music-loving girl, she is, isn't wasn't that hard in the first place anyway. However, there was always one instance that it proved to be difficult to fully believe that rule she had set. That situation, had to deal with a dragon slayer by the name of Gajeel Redfox. He loves to sing, but well, he isn't good at it to put it nicely. Sure, he writes fantastic music, but it's just the actual playing it that messes up. His singing and instrumental skills were poor so to put it. So naturally, to everyone else is was absolutely horrible.

However, it wasn't quite so too (Y/N). No instead she kinda liked it. Granted it was still a little bad, even to her, she cherished his music. You see, with each piece he performed, he put all of his soul into writing and performing it for the guild. He brought the music out of his mind and put it down onto paper. Then, he sang it. He didn't care if other people thought his performance was bad, he just wanted to do it for to the joy of being able to. And in all truth, that's what makes a musician. It's not how well you sing or play, nor how many fans or hit songs you have.

It's not about how many songs you make, or how they either fit in or don't with what else is popular, it's all about the amount of heart and truth you put into it. It's about the true feelings the creator of the piece holds, and about whether or not the creator enjoys what they're doing or not. That's what made him a musician in her eyes. That was what that rule was really about to (Y/N). In fact, this whole thinking process is what really got her thinking about Gajeel in some way other than a fellow guild member. This whole process is what started her feelings towards him to grow. That was when he had stolen her heart.

Although, she wasn't the only one to have her heart stolen. And before you jump to conclusions, it was Gajeel with the other stolen heart. His own heart had been stolen once he had heard (Y/N) singing one of the songs he himself had written. Her sweet melodic voice had traveled into his ears and down to his heart where it stayed ever since. He had been captivated by her even more though upon learning more about her. Even in his dreams did her shining (E/C) reach him. She soon became his inspiration and the thing that drove him to continue. Whether she knew it or not, he had grown to really like her. Tonight though, Gajeel planned to make it known to her.

That night, Gajeel stood behind some curtains. He had originally planned to do a performance tonight and at the end, dedicate a special song to (Y/N) but he couldn't. His hands were too sweaty, his throat was dry, and he himself felt as though he was going to lose it. He had never felt this nervous in his life. His heart raced so fast he could barely keep up with it and he ran a hand through his slicked-back hair before running it over the bolts above his eyes. This whole thing was just bound to come back and embarrass him so much, he just knew it! The other members had complained so much of his singing, so why wouldn't (Y/N)? Gajeel shook his head, refusing to jump to conclusions as different endings popped into his mind about how this would go down if he actually performed. A sigh escaped him as his figure slouched, just as the curtain moved and (Y/N) slipped in.

Upon seeing each other, the faces of the two-bloomed red. Although one had more of a brighter shade than the other. The one with the brighter shade, (Y/N), cleared her throat and looked over Gajeel, noticing his change in attire. "A-are you performing tonight or something G-Gajeel?" She asked shyly. Gajeel nodded, a lump in his throat. Suddenly an idea came to him. Picking (Y/N) up. Gajeel quickly carried her outside to a more secluded area away from the guild. He couldn't go wrong with this plan, not by a long shot if he had everything correct. He placed the blushing mess of a girl back on her feet and smoothed out her slightly messed up hair, hoping to both fix that for her and to help her relax a bit.

He tried not to notice how soft it felt between his fingers and soon took his hand away when her blush diminished some. "I really was going to sing, but instead I want you to have this," Gajeel said, pushing a folded piece of paper into (Y/N)'s hand. The confused girl unfolded the paper and smiled. It was music, music that Gajeel had created. At the top of the paper though, there was a note. After reading it, (Y/N) looked up at Gajeel with wide eyes. She was shocked yes, but she soon showed her happiness with a breathtaking smile. Gajeel returned the smile and brought her face closer, soon pressing his cold, coarse lips against (Y/N)'s own soft warm ones.

When they had broken away a few moments later, Gajeel rested his forehead on top of her's and murmured the words he had written down. "(Y/N), I wrote this song with you specifically in mind. Although I'm not the best singer, I really do like you. Each time I caught you singing, a new melody would strike, and a new song would come from that. You are my inspiration, and for that I truly love you alright? And so, here's the song just for you, from me."


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