I ducked my head, I could still remember the call to this day. It was two am and I answered my phone to her sobbing. I could hear Diego trying to comfort her but he was almost as upset as she was. She wanted to know how I had dealt with it as she tried to navigate the loss of a child herself.

I'd woken Alex who'd just finished work and he talked to Diego, telling him what to do and how best to help her through this.

We'd grown so close to this couple over the years, we knew they had our best interests at heart and we had theirs.

"Okay." I then replied, I reached out and gave her a gentle hug, reminding her that I was just as here for her as she was for me before I headed up to bed.


By the time that I had arrived at the hospital Alex had been moved to a room. He was still knocked out by the anesthetic and looked like he was having the best night sleep that he's had in years.

I sat by his side, holding onto his hand with a soft grip, my finger fluttering over his pulse every so often to check that he was still with me.

He stirred slightly and I smiled at him. Alex then sat up, opening his eyes for a brief moment before closing them again.

"Hey ma reine." He greeted me groggily.

"Hey baby." I moved to sit up on the bed next to him, I moved my head to his shoulder and pressed a soft kiss to his neck.

He smirked, "Did you miss me?" He asked and I nodded,

"Oh so much. Are you still tired?"

He shook his head but it was the most unconvincing thing I'd ever seen. "How's Rose?" He then asked.

"I haven't gone to see her yet. They don't really want people visiting her because of the immunosuppressant drugs that they have her on. So I was going to see her after you." He nodded and I continued, "But the doctor did say that they thought it went successfully."

He smiled and then lowered his head. He pecked my lips softly before resting his head atop of mine.

"I love you." He told me before his heart monitor went berserk.

I jumped off the bed, trying to analyse the ECG but I couldn't, a doctor sprinted into the room, a couple others followed.

"Ma'am we need you to leave the room." One of them said as they wheeled in a defibrillator. I couldn't move, I was frozen.

"Alexander." I whispered softly through tears. He was having a heart attack. My husband of over ten years was having a heart attack.

A nurse carefully moved me from the room and placed me outside. They sat with me as I collapsed to the floor. Sobbing into my hands.

First Rose and now this, anyone would think that we as a family were cursed. I'd always told Alex not to overwork himself because he would have a heart attack and just after he saved our daughters life he had a heart attack.

I spotted Noah walking down the corridor, as he spotted me his stroll turned into a jog, which then turned into a run.

"Fleurie." He said softly, "What happened?"

I couldn't breathe, I couldn't think. I couldn't do anything. My husband could be dead in there and I wouldn't know.

"Mr Marshall has suffered a cardiac arrest." The nurse who was sitting outside with me answered. I sobbed harder as Noah sat next to me and pulled me into his arms.

"He has to make it." Noah said, almost hopefully, "I am not telling Rose that she survived from her father's kidney but then he died because of that surgery. That'll kill her."

Ma Reine Her King✔     (Complete) Where stories live. Discover now