Chapter sixty six

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"Waahh, I'm so full!" I uttered while massaging my bloated stomach. The foods were really delicious, if only I'm not full I already ordered more of it.

"Y/n-ssi." Jungkook called catching my attention, I looked at him who's currently smiling.

I made a face and said, "why are you smiling the entire time? You're creeping me out."

He giggles making me soft, "I just thought of someone. By the way, can you go with me to the mall? I have something to buy."

I nodded while I'm sipping some iced tea, I saw him smile from my peripheral vision. What's happening with him? Why can't he stop smiling? I mentally rolled my eyes, sometimes I want to know what's going on inside his head. Duhh, who wouldn't be?

After he paid we exited the restaurant, I huffed inhaling some fresh air. I looked at my tummy and saw how bloated it is. I should start working out, I can't let fats build inside.

"If you're worrying about your weight, let's go do exercise tomorrow." Jungkook suddenly spoke, I stared at his tummy. Why can't he get bloated?! I can't see a bulge in his tummy! It's completely flat!

"You don't have any fat to burn." I said and walked first, he immediately catches up with my pace.

"Working out is not only to burn fats, but to stay healthy and to make our body active. So, we will not be sluggish or get tired easily, it could also strengthen our stamina-" before he could explain longer I cut him off.

"I get it, okay? Geez, you sound like my PE teacher." I scoffed and rolled my eyes, he looked at me confusedly so I glared at him then he now finally looked away.

"Moody." I heard him whisper, I ignored him and continued walking quitely.

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