Chapter ninety two

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Your POV

After that night when I went home, it wasn't like before. Jungkook drove me home but before I slept I opened the window and looked up to the stars. I never knew I could stare at them again for a long time, Jungkook... Thank you so much for helping me see the beauty above the darkness.

I placed my one last shirt on my luggage before closing it, tomorrow I'll be leaving to go to Seoul again. Kook told me he's also going to leave tomorrow and also go to Seoul, three months passed by really fast. Feels like I just came here yesterday, but this vacation is memorable. Jungkook made it memorable...

In this short time many memories were made, old friends were reunited and an unexpected love bloomed out of blue.

Everything, everything's memorable for me.

I will wait for you, Kook even without you saying it.

I slammed the door behind me and headed downstairs for some food, I've been preparing my things since morning.

I saw my mom preparing the utensils, I immediately rushed to help her. She smiled and thanked me, I just smiled back as a respond. The foods' smells caused my stomach to growl in hunger, mom is still the best cook ever!

I was about to call dad when exactly he came, we ate together, we also laughed with dad's lame jokes. Me and my mom laughed even though it wasn't funny, we don't want to make him sad.

"Y/n." Dad called out making me stop eating, I threw him a questioning look.

I choked on my water, "how are you with Jungkook?" He asks.

Mom joined in, "oh yeah that kid, what happened between with you two after he snatched you away?"

Dad became serious when mom asked about yesternight, I gulped when I met my dad's eyes.

"He helped me." I replied head down low.

"Helped you with what?" Dad's voice became stern, I looked at him and mom.

"Overcome my fear." I bravely answered. My mom gasped in shock while dad kept his seriousness.

I know he hates it when I force myself with things I cannot do. But if it's for myself, why not? And also Jungkook was there to keep me comfortable, to hold my hand.

"And you did?" Dad crossed his arms without breaking his eye contact with me neither I am.


He smiled, "that's good. Now you know stars aren't harmful, just look. Their beauty is overwhelming, I'm so happy for you, sweetheart."

I sighed in relief and smiled, mom caressed my back also smiling.

"You've made it." She uttered.

After my lunch with my dear parents my phone rang, I picked the call up.

"Yo, Jungkook." I greeted.


"Why did you call?" I asked flipping the page of the magazine I'm currently checking out.

"I was wondering if you're free today?"

"Hmm, I am free this afternoon, later at night I'll be with my friends." I answered.

"That's good! I'll pick you up by 1:00 PM, okay? Get ready!" Then he hung up, ugh! He didn't let me give me my answer! He just hung up just like that?! Ahh! Such a brat!

Anyways, what should I wear?

At exactly 12:55 PM I was ready with my casual clothes on and light make up. Five minutes left, what's with the slow time?

I checked if I forgot something, gladly I didn't miss anything. Someone's knocking on the door so I opened it up.

"You ready?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes and answered, "obviously."

He pouted and guided me towards his car, he opened the car door for me, what's with him? This isn't like him. I mean, it's unusual for me to see him acting like this.

I stepped in he closed the door and ran on the other side, he went in and started the engine.

"By the way, where are we going?" I questioned.

"Of course we're hanging out." He rolled his eyes and moved the steering wheel.

I crossed my arms then I looked outside, this kid is annoying me like nothing happened last night.

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