Chapter thirty seven

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Morning came and my body starts to crave for exercise, wow I've been too busy to exercise. I wore my sport attire then I looked at myself on the mirror.

I nodded at myself, I walked downstairs without seeing Jungkook anywhere. I opened the door greeting me with the morning's cold breeze.

I jogged everywhere I can go, whenever I'm seeing kids I smile at them.

Jungkook's POV

I gently rubbed my eyes before scanning around the room. Ugh, my eyes hurt... I wore my slippers without fixing the bed sheet, it will get messed up later why would I mind to fix it again?

I walked myself towards the comfort room, I picked up my toothbrush before putting toothpaste in it. I was about to put it in my mouth when I saw myself throught the mirror.

I'm ruined.

I got more skinnier, I also have dark circles underneath my swollen eyes. Damn, I looked old. I shook my head and started to brush my teeth.

I feel so tired, why is that?

I laid down my bed waiting for miracle to happen, shall I check om Y/n?

Unconciously, I already stepped outside my room to go at Y/n's temporary room. Actually, I wasn't planning on inviting her over, I just suddenly have the urge to invite her. I opened the door only to find nothing.

But her bag was there, she probably went out. I shrugged my shoulders before I shut the door.

I walked downstairs to cook some breakfast, what should I eat?

Ramen, again?

I sighed, did she went out without eating anything? Aish, that girl!

I checked the stock in the fridge, it was all in place. She didn't eat breakfast.

I took out lettuce, tomatoes and everything that will fit in a sandwich, I start making one with my mind on Y/n. She should not skip breakfast, it's an important meal!

After making my sandwich I put a lukewarm water in the glass for a drink.

After satisfying my growling stomach I heard a doorbell. Is that Y/n?

I scurried to the front door, I turned the knob and opened it widely.

"Y/n–" I immediately froze in my spot.


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