Chapter twenty five

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T W E N T Y  F I V E

I greeted Yemin with a hug, she hugged me back whilst crying but it was fake.

"I've missed you, Y/n-ah!" She said her voice muffled 'cause her face was buried in my neck.

I caressed her head, "aww, I've missed you too, Yemin-ssi."

She lets go, we're already adults but she still looked like a highschool kid, her small height, her cute chubby cheeks and pouty lips. In short, she's the softest looking person I've known.

I clung my arm around her shoulders, "so, where do you wanna go?" I asked, my smile says it all. The happiness is overflowing, we're friends since highschool.

"Hmm." She puts her finger underneath her chin, she looks like a living chibi on an animes.

"What about on your favorite place?" I suggested, her eyes twinkled.

She held my wrist, "let's go!" Then we started running.

"Woah, I've missed eating street foods!" I exclaimed while drawing circles on my stomach.

She smiled, "good thing you suggested it! Anyways, how's Mihae-ssi?"

Mihae and Yemin are also friends. Us three are the closest to each other since we're friends when we were still studying. We even went on the same university.

"She's fine, her boyfriend's taking care of her well, of course me too." I replied, I rested my back on the bench's backrest.

She suddenly became teary, her chubby cheeks even went chubbier as she pouted.

"Why Yemin-ah?" I asked, I immediately came near her then I gently rubbed her back, comforting her.

"I still can't believe that he left his group, Y/n." She said and started crying.

I smiled bitterly as I got what she was pointing out.

Yes, Yemin's also an ARMY like me and Mihae. And a Jin stan.

Tears start to form but I tried on stopping it, I want to be strong for her, I want to be her shoulders to cry on whenever she feels like crying.

I hugged her and patted her back, she sobbed and cried harder.

I know we're acting exaggerated, we can't help it. We've been there since the day 'No More Dream' had been released.

But... It's all different now. It all changed when he became on that state...

I also want to be his handkerchief, sadly he threw me away.

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