Chapter 38

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Song: I wanna get better by Bleachers 

Harry's excuse for not answering my calls and not calling me back all weekend was "I'm just tired." He was acting weird all day on Monday; not responding to my gentle touches, not wanting to hang out after school and help eachother study, and just ignoring me at all costs. I thought I had done something wrong until Tuesday morning when he showed up at my door with a cup of coffee, the way I like it, and a bright smile on his face. It was like the last couple of days never happened and he was back to the smiling, happy Harry I enjoyed having around last week. I wanted to ask him why he had been so different the past few days, but I didn't want him upset again and I definitely would hate to see him not smile again.

He was overly touchy today, not that I didn't mind it was just surprising. He held my hand tightly everywhere we went and kissed my cheek before departing to our appropriate classes. In English class he scooted my chair a bit closer than normal to his and hung his arm over the back of my chair. Maybe he was trying to make up for the amount of times he has ignored me the past couple days? Either way I didnt care because I loved to have his attention and feel his warmness.

We were heading out the door of our final class of the day, hand in hand, when Professor Windon calls me over to his desk. I gulp, instantly thinking I had gotten in trouble for something I was not aware of doing. Harry gives me a reassuring smile before kissing my cheek and whispering," I'll be waiting outside." I smiled once more at him before I turned around and walked to where Professor Windon was sitting.

"Charlie Owens" he said, flipping through some papers.

"Yes." I said hesitantly. My heart beats faster with every silence and flicking of papers echoing throughout the quiet room. 

"I've been reading over the past work you have submitted for this class and I got to say, Charlie, you're very talented." he pauses and stands up from his seat, "I think you would be perfect for a very special intern program at Expert Magazine.It's a 12 week program in which you write a couple articles here and there for the magazine. It's an extroadinary opportunity and I only ask one student per semester and I chose you Charlie. "

"Why?" I immediately ask. 

How and why would he pick me for such an amazing internship when I don't even know half the shit I'm writing about?

"Because I believe you will succeed there." 

"But why me? I'm most definitely sure that there are plenty of other better writers than me in your classes." I say.

"Sure there are talented writers and I might have even chosen them based on their ability to answe the prompt in the correct way, but that wasn't what I was looking for. I was looking for someone to expand on the topic and not just give a simple textbook answer. I'm not saying those are incorrect but I like when people think differently about things and that's what you do Charlie. Your papers are brilliantly written in a way that leaves me questioning many things when I finish reading them. You're perfect for this Charlie, I'm sure of it." he lets out a short breath and walks to the front of his desk to lean on it.

Never in my life have I heard someone actually like my writing like that before. For moments I stand there in shock, my feet completely still while my shaky breath continues to come out of my mouth in short puffs of air.

"I don't know what to say." I say honestly. 

"Say you'll do it." he says.

"I'll have to think about this I mean this is huge." I shake my head still not believing this was actually happening. 

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