Chapter 6

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Lace insisted on doing my makeup for this 'kickback'. It is supposed to be small but it seems like everyone is going .

Since I barely got enough sleep last night, Lace had to pack on the concealer to make me look more "alive" as she put it.

She really outdid herself but I didn't want to say anything. She was so happy and excited to do my makeup that I think it might be her new favorite hobby. She made me look like a different person. In all my years of wearing makeup it has never looked this nice I always wore dark makeup, it always made my eyes bluer and more intimidating. Once I reached the dark eyeshadow, Lace slapped my hand away in disgust and pestered me that pinks, blues and purples were definitely my color.

For once I actually looked decent?

As much as Lace wanted to give me a full makeover, I drew the line when she wanted me to wear a skin tight black dress. Skinny jeans and a basic crop top with converse were the way to go. It was easy and comfortable and I didn't have to worry about pulling my dress down every five minutes.

The party was too far to walk so we took Lace's car to the fraternity house. We pull up and see that this in no way is a small 'kickback' but a huge party with loads of already intoxicated teenagers.

I have no idea why I even agreed to go to this anyways. This is exactly the kind of stuff that I was always involved with until he came into my life. I know I should be running for the hills but something about me feels calm in knowing that he wont be here to judge my every mood.

He hated when I had fun. Even when I used to hang out with my best friends with harmless fun he would always be constantly calling me to interrupt whatever we were doing. I was stupid enough to drop my friends so I could focus on him and only him. He wanted me all to himself and I was so stupid to go along with his little game.


"Hey Jess pour more shots! I want to get wasted tonight!" I yelled

Tonight was our 'Girls Night Out' . Except we didnt really go out, we just stayed at my best friend Jessica's guest house. We always had the best times and tonight I was gonna let loose and have a good time.

"So Charlie? How's Trey" Rose winked.

I guess they noticed how quickly my cheeks got red because they all started screeming in unison "oooohhh"

"He's um good I guess" I blush even harder.

"And the sex?" Jess blurted.

"Jessica!" Rose said throwing the pillow at her.

"That is none of your buisness but if you must now it is.." I paused watching as there faces etched on almost like little kids waiting for an exciting part in a story.

"Well it is great." I finally say.

They all cheer in unison and begin to ask very personal questions which I ignore and make my way over to the kitchen to start pouring shot glasses.

Very many empty shot glasses and horrible karaoke moments later my phone started to buzz. I ignored it but when the buzzing kept going I finally picked up not looking at the caller id.

"Helloooooo?" It meant to come out normal but ended up coming out as a weird Australian accent.

"Charlie? Why haven't you been answering? Where are you? And are you drunk?" Trey questions but everything in my head is all fuzzy.

"I say yes to all 17 of those questions" I laugh at my own joke even though its not really funny.

There's silence on the other end and I know that Trey is not amused.

Burn // h.sNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ