Chapter 22

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I got back to the dorms, took a shower, cleaned up around the room, did my makeup and hair, got dressed and still made it to Harry's on time. His driveway was parked with a few cars. I notice Blake and Harry's but are unfamiliar with the rest. Liam opens the door and greets me with a tight hug.

"Charlie! It's good to see you, how are you?" he asks suddenly concerned with my well-being.

"Today I'm actually feeling really good, which is weird because I should be feeling like crap due to the fact I was drugged last night." I laugh.

"Well I heard you slept in all day so that's probably why you're feeling so good." He explains as we walk through the entry way of the kitchen.

"I don't know something just feels different." I shrug. Today has been different compared to most. I feel alive and well instead of weak and afraid. I hope this feeling lasts.

Zayn, Louis and Jesse are perched on top of the kitchen counter and Liam jumps to join them, almost spilling a red cup which I assume is filled with alcohol.

"Hey, watch it." Derek says snatching his drink and gulping down the remainder of it. 

"You want a drink?" Derek asks going over to the keg to fill up his empty red cup.

"Umm" I hesitate,"Oh what the heck as long as you don't drug it." I attempt to make a joke but Derek's face soon turns to stone.

"I'm so sorry about that Charlie. I don't know who did it but when I do I'll make sure to let them have what's coming. I don't even want to play anymore at a place that drugs innocent girls." He shakes his head and looks at me with the most sincere look on his face.

"Derek, it's fine. Shit happens okay?" I smile, patting him on the back.

He hands me a cup of beer and I sniff it once before downing the whole thing in a matter of seconds. I hate beer.

"Wow, Charlie!" Niall says out of nowhere.

"I hate beer but I didn't want to be rude and not drink it so I just went for it. I'm gonna get something else now." I laugh and walk past Derek towards the table filled with alcohol and grab the cherry flavored vodka. My favorite.

All of a sudden music starts playing in the living room and I follow to find the reason behind this music. 

"You like Pink Floyd?" I ask suprised as I see Harry placing one of my favorite records on his turntable. 

"What? Oh yeah, Dark Side of the Moon has to be one of my favorite albums." He smiles.

"No way! It's my favorite album! I played it over and over again on my aunts old turntable. She got so sick of it." I laugh at the memories of my aunt nearly hiding the record so I wouldn't play it anymore.

"It helped me with my mom's death" I admit out of nowhere.

"Helped me with breakups." He repeats in the same tone I used.

"Good album." We say at same time and laugh. I walk over to his turntable and trace my fingers over the wood and engravings. This looks exactly like the one he gave me for my birthday, the only birthday where he actually got me something.

"I had this exact turntable back at home." I smile, still tracing the device.

"This one is my dad's. You know there aren't very many wooden ones so my father insisted on buying this one." He shakes his head and joins me by his big entertainment center.

"I love this song." I say while the guitar gradually gets louder. 

"Dance with me." he says grabbing my arms and placing it around him.

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