Chapter 3

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The first night in the dorm went okay. Lace and I stayed in and watched netflix and I had my first experience with college showers. I do not like it at all, I wish I could afford an apartment off campus where I could have my own shower and room where no one can bother me. Although I am glad I have Lace, she keeps me occupied. No matter what she always has a plan on what to do or talk about. She keeps me out of my thoughts and into the real world which I'm gladly thankful for.

The first day of classes went by in a blur. Lace and I have a couple classes together which I am glad for but the other classes without her I am completely lost.

Finally my last class of the day is English. I love English and I know it will be my favorite class, hopefully. Blake and the blue beanie boy walk in class but dont sit next to eachother. They are so odd. They walk together but not close enough, almost like they dont want anyone to see them together. My curiosity always gets the best of me but I hope for now she will stay quiet so I don't embarrass myself by asking stupid questions.

Suprisingly Blake sits by me but doesnt say anything to me at first. The professor comes in and gives us each a syllabus and goes over the basics of the class, pretty much the same thing I have heard all day. The first couple days are always boring because all the professors do is go over a syllabus which half the class falls asleep to.

I started to read the materials for the class when Blake tapped my shoulder.

"Hey, there's a kickback at one of the fraternity houses if you're interested."

I'm caught off guard. We've never talked before and the first thing she says to me is that theres a kickback somewhere? Not even a formal introduction? I am so confused by her but I let it slide and try to make a conversation with her.

"When is it?"

"Friday. It's not really going to be a big thing, just a couple of people and friends of mine. You can invite your friend Lace too if you want."

"Why am I invited? I mean not like that but we've just never talked."

"Because there is something about you that I like. I don't normally hang around people like our roommates and I can tell that you don't either. I'm trying to branch out to other people, and I noticed that you are different and I like that." She smiles.

Wait what?

"How am I different?" My curiosity slowly peeks out from it's shell.

"I read people and I can probably relate to you. Let me guess troubled childhood, your parents are divorced and don't pay attention to you and you were in love with the perfect guy but when you moved away things changed. Am I right?" She questions.

Almost everything she said is correct. Almost. It's amazing how well she can read me.

"They're dead." I say with no expression on my face. She looks at me confused and then returns back to looking ahead at the professor.

"My parents. They're dead. The perfect guy wasnt perfect he was far from it and became a stranger to me. And as far as the love part, well it wasn't really love. I don't think I am ever capable of loving."

I'm suprised that actually came out of my mouth but I couldn't stop it. For some reason I trust Blake.

"My mom left me when I was twelve. Said she didn't want to look at her mistake anymore. My dad is in jail and I pretty much was raised by my grandma. Other than that I was alone. No friends, no boyfriend. Nothing. No one wanted to hang out with the weird girl." She admits, sadness evident in her voice.

I sympathize with Blake. We've both had troubled pasts and know what it's like to be alone. She deserves to be happy and I only hope the best for her.

Before I could say anything else, the bell rings and students were practically running out the door. Blake stands up and takes out her phone, handing it to me with a smile on her face.

"So now that you know my reasonings. Will you come on Friday?"

"I- I dont know" I really dont know if I should go. One part is telling me to go and be social but the other part is telling me to stay away from these types of things. You never know when you will be associated with the wrong people, just like last time.

"Well when you do know let me know." She says looking at her phone for me to type in my number and I do so, sending myself a quick text so I have her number as well.

I hadn't noticed that the blue beanie boy was now standing next to Blake, eyeing me suspiciously. Blake notices, looks at him and shakes her head.

"Charlie this is Harry. Harry, Charlie." She says pointing at us back and forth and then walking away with a smirk on her face.

Harry still stares at me and I wonder what his problem is. He doesn't say a word, he just looks at me with a weird expression.

I start to walk away with my bag but Harry finally speaks up, stopping me in place.

"You're that girl from the garden." He says not as a question but more of a confirmation of his thoughts.

He glances at me once more before walking past me and out the door. Leaving me standing alone and puzzled at what just happened.

A/N: vote/comment I would really like to know what you think so far:)

Twitter: @stylesandme01

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