Chapter 32

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Song: Somewhere Only We Know By Keane

Enjoy :)

"You like this place don't you?" Harry asks as we approach the long road of dirt and gravel, indicating we were getting closer to the field. I can see the tiny glint in his eyes as he turns his head to catch my eye, obviously happy that someone likes this place as much as he does. 

"Yeah, I really do." I say honestly.

"I used to have a place like this back home in Oregon." I give a shy smile thinking of how beautiful that garden used to be. I turn my head to look out the window and admire the passing trees and the clear blue sky, this was why I loved places like this. A place that was so open where you can escape the chaoticness of your life and gaze out into the sky and think of anything that sweeps through your mind. 

"Hello?" Harry raises his eyebrows, noticing I'm way too sidetracked in this conversation.

'Sorry, what?" I smile.

"Well I tried to make a joke about Oregon girls but failed miserably." He chuckles, "But you're from Oregon, that's awesome."

"And you're from England, that's awesome." I smile, remembering I have all sorts of questions lined up to ask him.

"Ah yes, I've mentioned that before haven't I?" He waits for my confirmation before continuing, "Well yep technically I'm not American, although I've lived here more than I have in England." 

"England though how is it? Do you visit often? Oh wait what part?" The millions of questions pour out all at once and I mutter a quiet 'sorry' after realizing how nosey I must sound.

"I go there every Christmas to visit my grandparents. I'm from Cheshire which is mostly countryside but I love it." He gleams.

"You know I forget you're British like half the time I'm with you." I admit and laugh at my stupidity.

"I know it's probably my accent. I've adapted to have such an American accent, I hate it." he shakes his head and although he's trying to seem mad, I can see the slight smile peeking out from his lips.

"Well then maybe we can talk like this to accomodate Mr. Harry." I try my best to sound like the Queen of England but end up sounding like a mixture of Australian and Scottish accents.

Harry cracks up as he parks and turns his car off. I try my best to maintain my serious expression but end up laughing along with him.

"Please dont ever do that again." He says between fits of laughter.

After our laughter calmed down to a bare minimum, we unbuckled our seatbelts and made our way to the only tree in the big field.

I follow closely behind Harry and sit down beside him against the tree.

"Ah fresh air." he takes a deep breath and folds his hands behind his neck, relaxing and taking in the nature before closing his eyes.

Moments of pleasant silence fill the air, despite the deep breaths coming from Harry and the quiet chirping of birds in the distance.

"Charlie?" Harry breaks me from my inner peace and I open my eyes to see his still closed but slightly making their way open.

"Mhmm." I mumble.

"Where is Trey now? You never really said what happened after you left him." His eyes are fully open now, making me gulp at the seriousness behind them and the question he asked.

I sigh and go back to that night so many months ago when I had left him for good. I packed my bags and moved back into my old home but even after that he didn't leave me alone. He was always harrassing me and begging for him to come back, but each time I ignored him he would find away to see me and force his way into my life.

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