Chapter 30

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So I thought I could start having a song for each chapter!

The song for this chapter is Hopeless Wanderer by Mumford and Sons. It came on while I was writing this chapter and I thought it was perfect.

Rage courses through my veins as I walk down the hall to find Blake's dorm room. My loud pounds on the door prove to be unsucessful as I have yet to hear any movement coming from the other side of the door. She's probably sleeping but this is far too important to wait. I needed to get my revenge on that asshole.

I jiggle the handle and chuckle once I see she has left her door unlocked. I quickly open the door and make my way through but once I see the sight in front of me I quickly cover my eyes and turn the opposite direction.

"Uh,sorry." I say awkwardly seeing Liam bare chested laying on top of her.

"Oh, Charlie that was you knocing?" Blake says quickly adjustin herself under the covers and gently pushing Liam off of her.

Well I'm glad their date went well..

"Yeah I thought you were sleeping and I saw that it was unlocked so I just....I'm sorry I can come back later" I suggest even though this couldn't wait.

"No it's fine let us just get dressed." Blake laughs.

As I waited for the two of them to get dressed I came up with the many different ways to get back at Max.

I could 1: expose what he's really like to Lace 2: publicly humiliate him or 3: make sure no girl ever finds him attractive again.

I wouldn't mind doing all three of those options.

"Okay so what's up?" Blake asks. 

Liam gets up to leave but I insist that he stays considering he could help.

"So do you know that guy Max?" 

"The one that's best friends with James Parker? Okay yeah what about him?" Blake urges me to continue on.

"Well he's sorta seeing my roommate but he can't seem to leave me alone. So last night my roommate saw us together but not in the way you think. I was being forced into it an-" 

"Wait is this the same guy that was following you that one night?" Liam interrupts and I focus on that night and how I barely knew Liam and yet I ran into his arms and opened up to him.

"Yeah, but-"

"Wait hold on, he was following you Charlie?" Blake interrupts with shock etched upon her face.

I nod and give her a small smile to assure her that I'm fine.

"Does Harry know?" Blake speaks up.

"Yeah he was with me last night when this happened and it didn't end well with him and Max. But why does it matter if Harry knows?" I say harsly but instantly regret my actions once I see the frown on Blake and Liam's faces.

"Nevermind. So what happened?" Blake shifts a little on her bed to distract herself from the death glares I hadn't known I was giving her.

"There was a fight and my roommate Lace was pretty pissed at me. So this morning I went over to pack a few bags and they were their together, in her bed." I pause and continue on with this dreadfully long story, " So when he left Lace wasn't really pissed at me anymore but that's only because Max told her I came on to him and that I'm some sort of drug addict." I roll my eyes and shake my head at his stupid cover up to his shitty actions.

"Why would he think you're a drug addict?" Liam asks, clearly as confused as Blake was as their watchful eyes wait for my explanation.

"Because get this, his cousin owns a bar and it happens to be the same one where someone drugged my drink." 

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