Chapter 19

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The next couple of weeks went by so quickly. I saw less of Lace and more of Blake, Harry, and their crew. With them I feel more like myself, rather than being trapped with Lace and her other blonde friends while they talked about different types of eyeliner. I've been texting James a lot recently and find myself actually waiting for his texts everyday. Harry walks with me to my classes and we occassionally have lunch together.

Tonight Jesse and Derek invited me to come watch their band 'Blue Matrix' perform at a location off campus. Blake and the rest of the crew is going, except Harry. He made up some bulshit excuse that I could tell was a lie.This past week he's been so distant. He hasn't been hanging out with us and he hasn't really talked with me since a couple days ago.

"You ready?" Blake shouts over the loud music from her headphones as I open my door.

"Yes!" I yell back.

As soon as we step outside I have to put on my sweater. I can't believe it's almost October. It's my favorite month. Not only because it's my birthday month but because I love the colors of fall and pumpkins and all that stuff. I love the smell of the air when I walk outside. I don't really know the exact smell of fall but it's smells something like this.

We arrive at a somewhat small bar that doesn't even check id's. It's too crowded inside and I reach for Blake as we sworm through the crowd of college teens.

"Why don't they check id's? Literally every teenager here has a drink and I know most of them are under age."

"This place used to be an abandoned bar but one of the college guys a couple years ago bought the property and runs his own buisness now." Blake says as we arrive at a booth filled with people.

"So he makes buisness by selling alcohol illegally to underage kids?" I laugh.

"Pretty much."

"Seems very profitable." I say as I look over at the crowded bar with money pouring out of people's pockets.

I squeeze into the booth next to Zayn and Liam. The other boys besides Jesse, Derek, and Harry sit on the other side of us.

"Thanks for getting us a big enough booth." Blake says sarcastically as she practically sits on top of Niall's laugh.

"Hey I didn't know it would be this packed!" Zayn says and throws a staw at Blake.

"I need a drink" I groan at the playfulness of Zayn and Blake's food fight using all of Zayn's fries.

The line for the bar isn't that long but I still have to wait awhile to order.

"What can I get for you gorgeous?" the bartender asks.

"Whiskey and coke please."I say ignoring his attempt to compliment me.

He returns back a couple minutes later with my drink and I leave my payment quickly before he tries to talk to me any further.

The band just came out on the small stage and the crowd of drunks roar in excitement. The booth is empty and I can only assume they all went t the front of the stage to get a better view.

I see Louis wave towards me and I walk and attempt to drink at the same time. The band starts playing a familiar song and I catch a glimpse of Jesse smiling in my direction while he bangs on the drums.

"I like this song" I hear someone say from behind me.

"Me too" I smile suprised to see Harry showed up.

"Thought you weren't coming?" I shout over the music and move to give him a hug.

"And miss this? Never!" he smiles back with his arms still wrapped around me. I pull away and take a few more sips of my drink, savoring the taste. The next couple of songs have me jumping on my feet but this last one has me swaying back and forth to the soft beat.

Harry tangles his arms around my shoulders and oulls me back against his chest as we sway along. I feel like I could fall asleep at any moment. My brain feels fuzzy which is weird considering I've only had one drink that I haven't even finished yet. I look over at Zayn and try to smile but I feel to weak to do so.

"Hey how many drinks have you had?" Zayn laughs.

Instead of responding I lift up my finger to indicate I've only had one drink. I feel like I've had seven drinks instead of one. I can barely lift my head up from Harry's chest and I feel myself drifting to sleep.

"Charlie! Hey! Wake up! What are you drinking?" Zayn shakes me awake. I feel Harry turn me around to face him and Zayn. I open my eyes slightly to see both of their shocked and worried expressions.

"Just" I pause trying to find the words that seemed to have gotten lost in the back of my mind. "Just a Jack and Coke" I slur.

"We have to get her to the backroom before anyone sees her like this." Zayn says as he lifts me off of Harry.

Someone lifts me up and carries me, obviously frustrated with my lack of movement.

"Go tell the others where to meet us. Tell them it's urgent. I got her just go." I vaguely hear the sound of Harry's voice.

My eyes are too heavy to keep open so I close them and picture bright colors and bunnies.

I hear the music getting softer as I feel my body being placed on a cushony object.

It's like I'm in another body. I can hear what's going on but I dont have strength to speak or let alone open my eyes. I hear myself screaming his name but no one can hear me. I'm trapped in a room full of faceless people, screaming at them but they don't even flinch or acknowledge I'm here.

I feel someone's hand push back the hair on my forehead.

"Trey?" I manage to say. I don't hear a response except for quiet shushes.

For a while I don'r hear anything and I feel calm, even though I can't control my body. I use all my strength to find the hand touching my forehead and hold it with mine. After that I fall into a peaceful sleep that feels like it only lasted two seconds.

I hear hushed whispers and footsteps around me. The hand is gone and is replaced with something cold.

"What do you mean?" I hear someone say.

"I'm telling you man she didn't look like she just had one drink." I make out as Zayn's voice.

"What are you saying?" I hear a female voice that I assume to be Blake's.

"He's saying somebody slipped something in her drink." I recognize the anger in his voice to be Harry.

"Someone probably slipped something while she wasn't looking. " Zayn says.

I want to scream and explain to them that I had my drink with me the whole time and that there was no possible way for someone to slip something in.

I panic. What if it was him?

"Trey. Trey. Please don't" I whimper and drop whatever was cold to the floor.

I see him advancing towards me but again I'm locked in place in front of an audience full of people. Trey moves towards me carrying a knife this time in his right hand. My feet are quicksand and my voice is weak. His arms wrap around me and I struggle in his arms as he attempts to calm me down. I push his chest away but something is different about his voice.

"Charlie! You're alright okay? Calm down." He says but once I look back up at him I see that it's Harry and not Trey. The crowd of people is gone and all I see is Zayn and Blake with panic all over their faces. I pull away from Harry as he attempts to stoke my head.

"Don't touch me. What happened? Where am I?" I whisper.

hehe :) yikesssss

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<3 B

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