Chapter 36

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Song: Asleep by The Smiths

Over the course of the week, Harry and I helped eachother with school work and another essay for English. I've been so caught up with Harry's presence and our numerous burnt breakfasts and take out dinners, that I forgot I have a roommate and a dorm that's waiting for me to return. The problem is that I don't want to leave. I love waking up to an interesting smell everyday. I love being around Harry and teasing him in every possible way. I love waking up in a good mood and having that mood only get better throughout the day. I love our movie nights and music swapping sessions. I just love all of this, but I knew it was going to end sooner or later. 

"Do you really have to go back?" Harry whispers from beside me on the couch. We're curled up together on his couch and watching random reruns of old television shows.

"I have to. I've been gone for almost a week and my roommate misses me." I roll my eyes.

" Yeah but i'll miss waking up to your morning breath." He smiles and places a soft kiss on my jaw.

I smack him playfully and return my eyes back to the T.V screen.

"And won't you miss my perfectly good running shower? Or even me in the shower with you?" He laughs amd I push him playfully.

"We'll still hang out!" I say.

"But thank you for letting me stay here Harry. I just really needed a couple days away and I wish I could stay longer but I can't hide forever." 

"You know you're always welcome here, Charlie." his hand moves up and down my arm in the most relaxing way, "You never did tell me what happened between you and your roommate you know." He looks down at me. 

I guess I never did tell him. I had completely forgotten my reasonings for even staying here these last few days, not thinking once about Max or Lace or any of that drama. 

"Oh just some things with Max and Lace." I start to say.

He nods for me to continue but I'm not sure if I want to tell him that Max was the one who drugged me yet. He might ruin my plans for getting revenge and I don't want him to get in the middle of this. So I do the only thing that comes natural to me, which is lie.

"Just felt awkward being there knowing he would be there half the time with her." I shrug.

He looks at me skeptically," And she wants you to come back?'

"Yeah" I say truthfully. Lace has texted me multiple times asking when I would come back and how much she misses me in which I would reply with a 'soon'.

A few moments of silence pass by as both of our focus goes to the T.V.

"So it's your last night here, what do you want to do?" Harry turns to me and places my crisscrossed legs over his. 

"This. I like just laying here and watching T.V with you." I admit. 

He smiles lightly, " Are you sure? Of all the things we could do you'd rather stay with me and watch this stupid show?" 

"Yes." I return a smile and kiss his cheek.

"Well good because I like the sound of that." He pulls me closer until im completely on top of him and we fall back onto the couch cushions. 

Somehow I ended up lying on top of Harry with my head directly on his chest and even after my attempts to move so he wouldn't be crushed he made me stay there. The soft beating of his heart and rising of his chest up and down easily put me to sleep within an hour. I remember my hand placed on his arms and going to the familiar tracing of his inked skin before my eyes shut and I relaxed into sleep.

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