Chapter 5

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The week goes by quickly and already it's Thursday night. All I have been thinking about is what Harry said to Blake. I know it's probably about me, Harry for some reason doesn't like me. Probably because I stole his thinking spot.

No way was I going to ask Blake about it because I didn't want to risk the embarrasment if it wasn't even about me. Or maybe she would even accuse me of eavesdropping on her conversation and think I'm weird.

I have a 4 page essay due tomorrow about The Importance of Writing Ethics, and I havent even planned on what I am going to write. College is not so fun.

I decide to write my paper in the school library because, unfortunately like half of my stuff I did not bring my laptop with me. I guess I should really get on that and go buy a new one, otherwise I dont think I can make another week in college.

The library is mostly empty, but almost all of the tables are taken. I wish I was more outgoing but I can't find it in me to go and make a new aquaintance at one of the occupied tables.

I spy one empty table and set my bag down claiming it as mine as I check out a laptop from one of the many laptop carts on campus. No one ever uses these laptops because everyone has their own, except me.

When I walk back to my table I see a familiar figure putting his bags down on the opposite side of where I was sitting.

Oh great.

Harry looks up when I sit down at the table and open up my laptop.

"Um what are you doing sitting here?" He says calmly.

"My bags were here before you came here. But oh let me guess this is your place too?" I say trying my best to be as rude as possible.

He doesn't say anything as he sits down and grabs out his notes and laptop, beginning to type whatever he is working on.

"Well I guess this time I'll let it slide since there is room for both of us" He laughs.

I dont know if he's trying to be nice or not so I just smile at him and return to my work.

I finish the first two pages with no problem. I just typed and typed and let my mind expand on the topic. This always happens with English, I seem to actually enjoy writing essays and things like that. I know its a weird thing but I just let my mind speak for its self and write.

I was too deep in thought to notice the tiny pieces of paper being thrown at me. As soon as I look up, Harry quickly looks back down at his laptop, making it obvious that he was the one throwing the paper.

"Can I help you?"

"What? Oh,um, no." He says averting his attention to the screen, pretending he's so busy typing.

"Then why do you keep throwing paper at me while I'm trying to work?"

"Throw paper? At you? Why would I?" He seems unfazed.

"Harry I saw you throwing paper at me" Does he think I'm stupid?

"Well that is weird because I have been working on this paper the whole time. Maybe you're seeing things."

I roll my eyes and continue back at my work. If he wants to act like a child then I will treat him like a child.

Every now and then I look back up to check if Harry is preparing his aim to throw at me.

"See!" I say looking right at him as he throws the annoying scraps at me.

"Okay. Okay I only did it that time because you were being annoying and checking up on me every five seconds to see if I would throw one." He smiles and I notice that two adorable dimples peek out if he smiles big enough.

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