Chapter 8

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As soon as we get back to the dorm Lace doesn't waste a second in bombarding me with questions about James, none of which I could answer.

"Where is he from?"

"What is he studying?"

"Is he a good kisser?"

As she asked these questions I realized that the whole time I was with James we didn't talk about eachother.I actually don't even know his last name or even anything about him. He could be a serial killer for all I know.

Lace seemed dissapointed that her plan didn't go through the way she wanted it to but was still excited for our double date  which I am absolutely dreading. It's not that I don't want to go because of James or anything, he seems like a nice guy. I just hate going out with people and talking. I don't mind listening but when it comes to me talking about myself or my childhood it's kinda hard to put in the right words. "My dad died before I was born and my mom died of cancer oh yeah and I had an abusive ex boyfriend who used me. How was your childhood?" I think if I told anyone that, they would run scared and never talk to me again. No one wants to deal with a damaged girl.

If Lace could write a whole essay on Max it would probably turn into a 350 page novel. She seems like she really likes this guy which could be a red flag. It's not  bad that she likes him but the fact that she likes him so much and so soon could be dangerous. If you trust someone so fast they will use that against you and rip you to pieces.It's the same repetitive cycle: They break your heart, they say sorry and you eventually forgive them only for them to do it again and again. Except each time it hurts more and more. Or maybe that was just him that did that? 

After a good shower and walk to the coffee shop on campus, I'm finally more awake. I don't even remember what time I finally fell asleep. Once we got home from the party, me and Lace -or rather just Lace- stayed up talking about the night. Lace has already told me that if I was going anywhere today then I must be back before five, so it leaves us enough time to get ready for our bowling date at eight. 

I walk around campus and barely keep control of the steaming coffee in my hands as someone knocks me in the shoulder. A stupid blonde bitch purposely ran into me and I don't know who the hell she is or what I even did to her. I look back to see the blonde innocently smiling at me. I could easily rip that smile off her face if there weren't so many people here. 

As I pass the art building I am shoved multiple flyers to come see 'Blue Matrix' tonight at a small off campus auditorium. Too bad it's tonight, otherwise I would probably make an apperance. Hopefully they have another one of these gigs so that I can check them out.  There's something about a talented college band singing alternative songs that makes me excited. Music has always been so important to me, it comforts me when I am down and makes me feel at peace. The thing about music is that it's healing. It's something that we are all touched by because of the lyrics or rhythm.  It's an explosion of ideas, thoughts, emotion and humanity. Everyone loves music. 

"Hey Charlie!" someone shouts and I turn around to see Blake running towards me.

"Hey Blake" I say trying to wipe the coffee off my sweashirt that spilled when the bitch ran into me.

Blake laughs as she approaches me and sees the sight of me desperately wiping off the coffee.

"Some bitch ran into me on purpose." I laughed.

"Where? I bet she won't be running into people if I got ahold of her. Actually I would just have to look at her and she would probably shit her pants." She laughs.

"But why did she run into you?" She asks seriously.

"I have no clue. I was just walking and then she came up and purposely bumped me and then when I looked back she was smiling as if she did nothing wrong." I explain.

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