Chapter 35

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Song: Cold Coffee by Ed Sheeran :)

(also if you have any song suggestions for any part of the story let me know!)

I wake up to the delicious smell of fattening bacon emerging from the kitchen. I stretch my legs and move my body over to the nightstand to check the time on my phone. As soon as the screen lights up, I bolt out of bed, rushing around the space of the room in search for my clothes and school bag. 

I didn't even hear my alarm go off this morning, that is if I even set one, and now I'm late again for classes. This weekend was filled with so many events that it's hard for me to keep track; first the drugging incident on Thursday, the party at Harry's house with Michelle on Friday, the other party on Saturday, yesterday with Harry and now me rushing in a hurry on Monday morning. It doesn't even feel like Monday; usually Monday's are so dreadful and the whole day is consistently gloomy, but today I must have woke up on the right side of the bed, or maybe it was just the bacon smell clogging up my senses.

I don't even glance in the mirror as I rush down the hallway and down the stairs to greet a very cheery Harry flipping pancakes.

"Good Morning!" he waves and plasters the biggest smile on his face while he watches the pancakes cook and takes a huge bite out of a banana. 

"I'm late for classes!" I say frustratedly. I grab the cup of coffee sitting on the table and take a big gulp out of it.

"That was mine but I'll make you one." he laughs.

"I got to go I'm late." I half smile and run out of the kitchen.

"Just stay." he shouts across the kitchen for me to hear in the entry way.

"I can't" I frown.

"But you kind of have to. You don't have your car."

"Fuck!" I yell. Why wasn't I more prepared for this?

"I'll take you but-" he pauses and walks over to meet me," you have to stay for the breakfast I made. I'm late too, so we'll just go later?  It doesn't make a difference now we're over an hour late." He states and wraps his arms around my shoulders.

"Alright, fine. I just can't be late for English again, that new professor scares me." I laugh.

The majority of the morning was spent laughing over the pancakes that Harry burned and the mess he made trying to fix them. He shared stories of his history with burning things in the kitchen and I made fun of him all morning for his lack of cooking skills. We ended up just sipping coffee and eating cereal with the unburned parts of the pancakes and bacon.  The whole kitchen was a mess but I practically dragged Harry out the door so that we wouldn't be late any longer and promised him I'll clean up the mess later.

We were the first ones in our English class but I was thankful that at least we weren't last. Professor Windon strolls in and laughs once he sees that me and Harry are the first ones in class.

"So first you were late and now you're early Miss Owens? And you?" He nodds his head towards Harry as he tries to remember his name.


"Ah yes, Harry Styles. That paper you wrote about writing ethics was brilliant. Yours too Miss Owens." 

"It's Charlie" I clear up. I hate being called 'Miss Owens' it seems too proper for me.

"And thank you." I add with a smile.

Students begin to pile into class and I smile to myself at the accomplishment of having a college professor compliment my writing. No one has ever praised my writing, except for one of my teachers who loved one of my creative stories that I wrote in highschool. 

Burn // h.sWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt