Chapter 25

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I leave my heavy makeup on and change my clothes into something a ittle more 'party like'. I'm assuming we're going to another one of those frat parties and I know I can't go through one of those without someone I know. Knowing Lace she'll ditch me to go find Max and I'll be left alone with alcohol, cigarettes, and disgusting drunk guys, which is definitely not a good mix.

I end up knocking at Blake's door with a huge smile on my face. She opens the door wearing a robe and a towel on her head, just fresh out of the shower.

"Hey! I didn't know you were coming over. Sorry I just got out of th shower so I'm kind of a mess but come on in." She says welcoming me.

"Yeah sorry I just showed up but I wanted to see what you were up to tonight." I walk over towards her bed and pick up a lace thong layed out and laugh.

Once she sees whats in my hands she snatches it and tries to hide behind the embarrassment of me seeing that.

"Got a hot date tonight?" I tease.

"Oh shut up every girl wears a thong at some point in their life and yes I do have a date tonight." She smiles smugly and slides up her underwear under her robe.

"Wait what? Are you serious? With who?" I smile.

"Oh you know just" I hear before she mumbles the end.


She mumbles again.

"Blake..." I stand up from the bed and start to annoy her by repeating "who?" and poking her.

"Liam! Okay it's Liam." She says and I burst out in laughter.

"I so called this. I say you making heart eyes that one day when we were playing never have I ever. You are so into him." I tease

"No I'm not this is just a date. There's no guarantee that I'm into him or not." 

"Oh c'mon you so want to fuck him." I say but then quickly cover my mouth with my hand.

"Charlie!" she says and I start to laugh.

"Okay not everything is about fucking. Maybe I want a relationship?" She says seriously while admiring the clothes she is laying out.

Relationships are crap. I want to scream but keep my mouth shut. Maybe they are just crap for me and they won't be for her? Whatever I'm happy for her anyways.

"Well I am happy for you Blake" 

"Thanks Charlie. And hey what's happening with you and Harry? Are you guys going to get together anytime soon or are you going to deny that you like him." She smiles and slides up a red dress.

I let out a sigh and roll my eyes,"I don't know" 

She turns around so I can zip up her dress.

"You always say I don't know Charlie. What are you afraid of?" she says and I have to think hard about her question.

"Love" I shrug

"You're afraid of falling in love with him?" 

"Well yes and the fact that love completely destroys you." I say and she looks at me weirdly.

"Geez, so dark." she laughs

"Well love is a dark thing, at least to me it was. You give every ounce of love you have to a person that doesn't even care about you and yet you're so mesmorized by love that you can't see the corruption in the relationship. You're so in love with the idea of being in love that you don't want to end things with someone because you don't want to be alone. Then you're completely trapped and convinced that everything is fine, but it's not." I say the last part so quietly that Blake might not have even heard it.

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