Chapter 33

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Song: Heartbeats By The Knife :) ( Also the gif on the side kills me)

Finally after picking up the few necessities that I had left at Blake's and Harry showing me around parts of the small town that we inhabitated, we had finally made it back to Harry's.

"So, pizza for dinner?" Harry asks as soon as we enter the house.

"How about Chinese?" I suggest and put on my best puppy dog face once I see Harry groan at my choice.

"Alright, fine, only because of that damn puppy face you got going on there." He rolls his eyes.

"Yes! Works everytime." I smile in satisfaction and reach for the phone book that's perched on top of his counter.

I've never had such a complicated time ordering Chinese food before Harry. Due to his inability to make up his mind and pronouncing the wrong items, we ended up having to start over our order three times. It also didn't help that the lady helping us hardly spoke English and Harry had to practically yell into the phone for her to understand us.

"This is what we get for ordering Chinese." Harry says after finally hanging up the phone on our frustrating conversation.

"Hey, it's not my fault you couldn't make up your mind." I tease.

He mumbles a 'whatever' and exits the kitchen. I take the opportunity of being alone to check my phone for any emails and messages that I might have missed.

I notice an email from my bank company and open it to see a bank statement and a link that directly sends me to my bank account. I gasp at the sudden increase of amount.

"What's wrong?" Harry rushes to me right away.

"Oh, nothing." I lock my phone and set it down,"It's just that I keep getting random amounts of money put into my bank account."

"Is that a bad thing?" He laughs and leans his body against the counter.

"I guess not but I just don't know where this money is coming from. At first I just thought it was leftover money from my mother's trust, but this is the third time it's been added. What if I get in trouble for this?" I start biting my nails at the thought but once I realize what I'm doing I stop.

Whenever I'm nervous I bite my nails to the point where I barely have any nails left. Mom always held my hands when she noticed I was nervous so she could prevent me from biting them. When I was with Trey I didn't have anyone to hold them, so I just kept biting them until they would bleed.  I shudder at the pain that occured from that.

"You won't get in trouble, you have no control of what is happening." Harry breaks me from my momentary flashback of the last time I bit my nails.

"Well what if they think I stole it or I'm secretly selling drugs or something, I don't know?" Harry laughs at my words and I frown slightly at him.

He leans off the counter and places his arms around my shoulders and hugs me from behind. 

"Hey" he spins me around," Just call up your bank tomorrow and figure out what's going on. I'm sure it's just a misunderstanding." he says calmly. 

"Damn it why do you always have to be right." I pout and look into his eyes glistening with satisfaction. He doesn't say anything but his smirk says a lot about what he's thinking.

I look at him up and down, not just glancing, but actually looking at him and admiring his beauty. The many tattoos that cover his skin intrigue me; Why does he have so many? And in such random places? What do they mean? I find myself tracing over them, attempting to redraw the figures of a ship and skull on the back of his arm. My eyes shift from where my hands are working to where Harry's eyes are studying me.

"Sorry." I whisper and pull my hand away.

"No." He grabs my hand and places it back on his arm," I like it." 

He shifts closer to me, granting me more access to the many scattered tattoos over his arm as I continue my tracing.  I feel his eyes burning a hole into my head but once I look up his eyes are gone and hidden between the space of my neck. His lips linger over my neck before he presses his lips fully into my neck, making me gasp at the pleasuring contact.

His lips continue their assault and I move my neck to the side to grant him more access. My body turns to jelly once he goes over my sweet spot and I have to stop myself from moaning. I stop him and almost regret my decision at the loss of contact but rejoice once my lips collide forcefully with his. We fumble with eachother until Harry lifts me up on the counter and places both his hands on my thighs. My hands work my way through his hair until they eventually land on the sides of his face, bringing him closer if even possible.  His hands part my thighs and my legs wrap around his waist, tugging him forward to press even more into me.

A quiet moan escapes his mouth when my hands find his hair and tug harder on it. His lips leave mine and move down to my collarbones. Within a matter of minutes my simple touches and glances escalated into something filled with much more lust. If the doorbell didn't interrupt us when it did, I don't know if I would have been able to stop things from escalating further.

"The fucking Chinese food." He whispers and huffs away to the door. My body already feels cold from his absence and my skin craves to be touched by him again. I shake off my thoughts from thinking of the possibility of what could have happened and hop off the counter.

We mostly eat in silence, the previous minutes creating some tension between the two of us. Harry speaks up and complains that they got the order wrong but I just laugh and shrug, my mind too occupied by the way his hands felt on me. 

I need to stop thinking about this, but I can't. My body craves him and there's nothing I can do to stop this feeling from taking over all of my senses.

"You alright?" He chews his food and raises his eyebrow suggestively at me. I already know he knows what I'm thinking.

"Don't worry, we'll finish that later." He smirks innocently at me which only makes me want to go over to him and kiss it off his lips.

I almost choke on my food as he winks at me and continues eating. 

This boy, I swear to God.

ehhh sucky and short chapter but I hope you like the preview for the next chapters ;) Anyways, comment VOTE and please please please share the story. 

Love you all.xx

Twitter: @stylesandme01


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