Chapter 7

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I bump past a couple of people as I make my way quickly towards the counter filled with a variety of alcoholic beverages. I grab a bottle of vodka and cranberry juice and set up my own station,desperately looking for a cup. Every one of them are filled with either alcohol, cigarette butts, and god knows what else. I give up and instead take a sip out of the bottle, not the best idea but all I want is just a little taste of the vodka. The burn feels never ending but soothes me.

I glance around one more time for any sign of an unused red cup. Just as I am about to endure another sip, I spot one and quickly grab it and pour the contents inside.

So here I am at a party with dozens of people and I'm sitting alone. This seems all too familiar.

I down the drink and head out to see where Lace is. I search through the crowded areas but dont see her anywhere. Finally, I see her walking down the stairs with two blonde boys.

"Charlie! There you are! There's someone who I want you to meet!" She says grabbing the taller of the blondes hand.

"This is James" she says as he takes his hand out of hers and places it in mine.

"Im Charlie" I smile shaking his hand back.

'And this is Max" she laces her arm through his obviously claiming him as hers.

He eyes me quickly then nods.

I know what Lace is trying to do and I dont like it. She's trying to set me up with someone, specifically someone that is close friends with her boy so we can double date or some shit. I could tell by the look in her eyes when we shook hands, she's trying to be matchmaker.

"So now that we all know eachother,Charlie tomorrow we are going bowling with these two lovely guys!" I totally called it.

James smiles at me as if he's apologizing for getting me sucked into this, but I would have been sucked in either way. 

"Sorry" He whispers into my ear and we both start laughing quietly.

"Since you guys seem to be getting on fast, Me and Max will leave you alone." She walks away with Max in her arms but not before winking at me and moving her head suggestively at James and I.

"So...?" James says noticing the awkwardness between us.

'Lace is very.." He tries to find the right word to fit.

"I know" I laugh and he joins in probably laughing at one of the many words she could be described as.

"So how did you end up at a party like this?" I ask and point over to a group of guys shooting each other with squirt guns. They hang their tounges out while one of them shoots the liquid into the others mouth so I'm guessing they filled it with beer.

"It's not like I can go anywhere else I live here." He laughs.

Of course he is apart of the fraternity, I should have known just by his looks. Him and Max seem like the typical frat boys, I mean they both are good looking and tall and just all around have the perfect image.

"Oh that sucks. How often do you guys have parties?"

"Every weekend unless someone else throws one but usually we have them because everyone else is too lazy to throw a party." 

"Do the parties get boring after awhile?" I ask accidently tripping on one of the many passed out drunks on the floor. 

"Oh be careful!" he says catching me before completely face planting. 

"Thanks" I say after finally regaining myself.

We continue to walk until we spot a bench outside where thankfully no one is.

"What were you saying? Oh yeah. The parties are always different but sometimes they can be really boring or really exciting." He sits down on the bench and scoots over to leave room for me.

"How would you say this one is going?" I look at him before joining him on the bench.

"This ones pretty exciting actually. I saw at least two fist fights and one of the were with two girls. It got pretty intense." He shakes his head and laughs remembering the hilarious sight he must have saw.

I must have been with Harry that whole time that the fights were happening. 

I wonder what happened to Harry? I kind of just left him after I freaked out and ran inside. I'll have to find him on Monday and tell him a fake story so he wont think I'm any crazier than I already am. 

"I wish I could have seen that. Don't you think its so sad that I was actually dissapointed that I didn't see two chicks beating eachother up? I sound like a horrible person." I laugh realizing just how bad that must sound.  He laughs probably realizing it too.

"It does sound pretty horrible but if they didn't want anyone to see their fight they should've gone to a private place." He says matter of factly.

"True. I guess that makes me feel a little better." I laugh.

"You're still a horrible person for not seeing it though." he jokes

We heard a large group of people shouting some things from inside and we both looked at eachother laughing at probably another catfight. 

"We better check it out!" he stands up and holds out his hand for me to take. I was reluctand to grab his hand but went ahead and did it anyways.

He holds onto my hand as we enter the house and try to look over the swarm of people gathering around two people. 

"We came just in time to witness one" He shouts in my ear over the obnoxious screaming.

Finally a window opens up and I can see clearly two guys wrestling eachother. People are shouting and encourging them to rip eachothers throats out while the two knock over chairs and empty cups.

James's hand is still in mine as two other guys come and pull them off of eachother. I feel slightly ucomfortable with holding his hand but don't object.

"I should proabably go help those guys and make sure they are okay." He says as he breaks his hand from mine and hands me his phone."Here, put your number in so I can text you before I come or something tomorrow." I grab his phone and enter my number and hand it back to him as he seems to be in a hurry.

"I'll see you tomorrow" He says touching my arm before running off to find those guys.

I really want to go back to the dorm now. It's been a busy night and all I want to do is sleep.

I search around for Lace and when I finally see her blonde locks I silently pray that she doesn't want to stay any longer. 

"Charlie I was just about to call you. Do you want to go?" she says putting her phone away.

"Yeah are you okay to drive?" I only had two drinks so if she isnt able to drive at least I will be okay to get us back.

"Yeah I'm fine let's go." She grabs her keys as we head out the door in search of her car.

We pass a group of people and immediately after I realize it was Blake, Harry and a couple other people who I didnt know.

"See you later Charlie!" Someone yells but I don't bother to look back. It sounded like it could have been Blake but when I get into the car and look back I see Harry waving in my direction.

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